Friday, March 1, 2013

Roadside Gratitude

Yesterday was a very good day for a few reasons!  Gratitude fell from the sky like dripping paint onto the canvas of my day.  Some things were silly, some reconfirming.

The first few months of this year have been $ tight to say the least - just timing I suppose.  I'm still working like a dog, upping the ante on debt repayment yet the timing of my compensation (every 2 weeks) has rendered a situation of 'well i can pay half the heat now and the other half in a couple of weeks.' I must say psychologically it landed me back to a time a few years ago when I was really in trouble, unable to make ends meet and facing a wall of debt.  I had to verbally and journally remind myself that it isn't the same nightmare even tho my brain delivered me there in a flash.  So when I find myself that way I reconfirm my commitments to becoming solvent, debt free, and more sustainable.  It may sound silly but it gets me through.  I just come up for air, take a gulp, and keep pushing forward.

A friend of mine recently said 'But Crisy, aren't you embarrassed to part with those types of things..on a blog no less?!'  I was.  Until many people began emailing me (, facebooking me, grabbing me in the hallway at work and telling me they were so relieved to know they weren't alone in those situations.  This opens up an entire 'we are all in this together' discussion.  Some folks are fine but some of us were never shown certain things, but together, TOGETHER, we are getting through them!  This blog started out as a message in a bottle type of deal...the fact that it makes one persons day brighter and their worry a bit lighter...well...that's just good stuff in my book!

So yesterday was spent catching up on life stuff/house stuff.  So often with my schedule a day off isn't really off - it's just a more domestic work with a few more breaks sprinkled in.  I was able to get outside in natural lighting here and there and breath authentic uncompressed processed air!

The first really awesome thing that happened was I got an explanation from my insurance company on the amount I owe for an xray i had to have when I put the wooden spike through my finger. I had an xray and it was  $398.00.  The insurance provided $98 and my amount due after all was said and done was $9.36.  A slight infection had ensued about 2 weeks ago from the spike and the antibiotics were $10.  I paused and remembered right after my divorce (before walmart carried cheap antibiotics) my two sons and I wound up with horrendous strep throat.  Between 3 separate Dr. visits it was $400 out of pocket - then the heavy duty meds were around $110 each (and I had shopped around) so $330 on that.  I remember sitting in the car in a parking lot with two very very sick little boys and no mercy in sight-facing $730 to get us well.   I considered just getting them the meds but what good is a mom with lockjaw and sepsis?  I cried a hopeless cry, got the meds and went home with a resolve.  My ex was supposed to provide health insurance - that illness was when I found out the insurance he did provide took $3.00 off visits and did not cover meds...totally useless.  My resolve on that rainy night sick in the parking lot was to work a job with decent benefits...And I do - Thank you God.

The second really awesome thing that happened was yesterday my youngest had an orthodontist appt.  I have some dental on my insurance and He was definitely going to need braces from the get go.  I used all of my tax return last year as the down payment 'to get him started' and I pay $150/month (hello second job) out of pocket to Dr. K in Vernon.  Mike missed 3 months - 1 because he was sick, and 2 because there were other bills - so yesterday I was ready to fork over $450 and basically live on food stores and $75 for another two weeks.  I bellied up to the receptionist and after being reprimanded for not having gone, I said "ok so $450?"   'No' she said 'your calculations are off'  GREAT. LATE FEES - I thought.  She picked up a piece of paper....'insurance disbursed a bit so today just $300' My belly went soft.  Thank you God.  When we were done I raced out of there and to the supermarket - we are good for the next 2 weeks and a bit to put by.

The third really awesome thing that happened was the cherry on the cupcake!  Because it's been tight we've been hitting the 'prepper closet' really an oversized pantry that I keep on hand due in part to the weather changes the last few years...we had a power failure for about a week or so a couple of years ago and took refuge at my dads (above ground pool..water to flush toilets as well as a fresh water well...woodstove...bbq - you get the picture)  In such a situation the townhouse becomes a tomb of sorts - a shell - YET ANOTHER REASON FOR SELF SUFFICIENT FARM DREAMS :)  It took the fourth day of that outage to begin to reveal things.  Word spread like wild fire that the pizzeria down the block was on generator and the owner was cooking what they had in the freezers and fridges so it didn't go bad.

Pizza only was what was left.  My father, my son, and I headed down and walked into a sea of people.  Jersey people.  Disgruntled Wait on Me First and Now people all the more agitated by the current events.  We ordered 2 pies and stepped aside and observed.  The next guy ordered 4 pies and was told by the owner there was a 2 pie limit to make sure everyone got some - he was pissed.  The tense energy heightened....The next guy went to pay with a credit card and was told machines were down cash only - He swore and fumed 'who the hell carries cash anymore?!' Ironically his wife had some.  But the damage to his ego was done-he had rightly appeared a dumbass.  We waited more patiently than others who began to get loud.  Another tried to grab a box 'no that's mine I was here first'  It was deteriorating into uncomfortable and ugly.

Then the owner announced freezers were empty whomever ordered would get but no further orders would be taken.  Yells and offers to others to buy a pizza @ double price went up.  Thankfully our pies were ready and we actually left through the side door.  I had never seen my dad so stealthy.  Military training at it's best.  He was in an eerie 'walk quiet and carry a big stick' mode.  And my little one had seen the whole thing.  He didn't talk much of it, but I know he won't forget it.  We ended up driving into Franklin to see if Walmart was open.  The roads beyond were flooded and impassable - like you were trapped in town by the natural barricade.  Walmart was on generator, cash only- THE ENTIRE CAMPING SECTION WAS BARE.  BARE SHELVES.  IN JERSEY.  Grab and go chips and sodas were gone.  I will never forget that.  It hadn't yet been a week.  All my apocalyptic scenarios started going through my head.  A calculation of canned soups and the like in my cupboards spanned my mind.

The power came on and in 48 hours no one seemed to remember that no trucks had run the roads, no food came was business as usual.  Another silent resolve made - buy a little extra each week and put it could be the loss of work, of the grid, or a fuel nightmare but you know the kids will eat Put some by...And I have.

So I have a little pantry with staples which I want to increase not just for me, but for my family, my dad, my brother should we need.  But with a tight budget I can't 'deck it out' I researched shelving - planks really and the lumber proved an expense. that I just can't take on right now...

And yesterday there, on the side of the road  as I drove Mike to the ortho- 2 prepper style, sturdy as hell, canned goods friendly shelving units with a simple sign... 'FREE'   Faith doesn't get more obvious than that folks.

From my mouth to Gods ears... to the side of the road...

It had been a very good day!
