Friday, March 22, 2013

Day off project!

When I downsized to this townhouse my children were alot younger, so my real estate 'office' was in the corner of the walkout finished basement.  It served it's purpose.  Then I ran into a financial jam and detached from the situation emotionally and gave myself advice as if I were my own client - I rented it out and went somewhere way way cheaper!  Then the boys and I moved back, real estate took a nosedive and I lost the basement to the teenagers for good.

If you go down there at any given time there are usually 2-6 boys (they multiply when a food source is nearby)  innumerable video games, weight lifting gear, sports stuff, and anything else associated with the adolescent male.  I threaten to reclaim it one day and make it a proper family room...I am only lying to myself!  Most days I wanna throw the food down the stairs and nail the door shut.  In my zen mind I say I have a two floor townhouse....denial is a beautiful place...

So the biggest problem I've had with 'living' in an environment that flows with my lifestyle (which, ha!, lets face it is like some hippie cosmic galaxy of interests and old world cozy...I mean as I write this I've got 12 chickens in a dining get the picture)  anyway the biggest problem is the mail.  YUP THE MAIL.

We collect it everyday and try as I might it migrates through the entire house...then turns into all I really want to do is set everything on fire!  Honestly I need organization, I need socks to match, I need to find spoons where spoons should be, or my life with it's shape-shifting schedules just doesn't work.  I end up frustrated and pyro-meditative.

I pay most bills online these days, check my account online, order online etc.etc.  But there are those times when I need to write checks, notes, legal stuff, and open mail like a grown up.  I've been eyein an extra closet in my room for sometime.  I have a walk-in that is the size of the bedroom I grew up with and this extra closet just seemed so...well...unnecessary.  Until a few days ago!  I told Mr. William what I would like, he waved his wand....

Empty closet.  One 2x4 cut 3 ways to brace $3.50.  (Did I mention woodshop is his FAVORITE CLASS? It is quickly becoming mine as well!!)

One damaged laminate counter remnant that Mr. William asked for the discount on (there was a chip...he had to cut it anyway)  (Did I mention I gave birth to this genius??)  20% off  = $34.40.  One small can of paint $10. Extension cord (only when in use) $1.25.

A place to blog, to dream, to deal with mail, to write, to work on my Bachelor's Degree, To plan my life and a door to close it all away!  Mom's Nook! ($49.15)  

I'll put the matches away for now...