Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Well the girls are getting big!  Their wings are coming in and cleaning the pen is taking longer because they are harder to catch!

The only thing I can relate it to is that they seem to be just like typical teenagers; they are giving me dirty looks, hiding out, not wanting to socialize with mom (unless there is food) and their general demeaner is just...well...pissy.  But guess what?  I still love them!

I clean their 'coop' before I get ready for work and it's a good thing that I do because this morning I got a nice lump of wet used chicken pine shavings in my hair!  I had to laugh really (after I said a few choice words of course)  I understand why farmers get up early.  It's a funny thing though because I am no longer looking at them like pets all cut and cuddly.  They already want to rip my face off when I move them around and handle them!  But I am looking at them with an eye I've never had for anything before.  They will work for my family in a way...they will provide nice healthy fresh eggs and we will care for them and make them as stress free as possible so they can carry this task out.  

I haven't given much thought to the distant future when their egg production (ha! like mine) will surely diminish.  Will they end up in a soup pot?  I hear an old bird is tough - I can attest to that one.  But even a tough cut of meat can be marinated and made into a meal in tough economic times.   This is touching my self sufficient desires big time folks...and it feels so...well...correct.

I also know why nature makes babies so cute and heart softening...because the teens are gangly, moody, ungrateful!  But you look at them and can see the helpless little babies they once were and you press on.  It's only been a few weeks and I am having something strange being born in my heart - a strange sense of gratitude and confidence...I guess all girlys need that!

Here's to the teen times!