Saturday, March 9, 2013

My best Girly

So many of you have emailed me 'what does Bella look like?' She's been posted before but this is the best one yet!  She's about 7 lbs, half jack/half chi - all crazy like her best girl (me).  This little bundle of love and nerves has been with me through some of the hardest times.  I think she is as excited about my days off as I am.  

We talk about farm dreams.  Today's walk brought her patches of grass and an attempted attack on a St. Bernard...yeah she's one of those.  Remember tho folks it ain't the size of the dog in the fight - It's the size of the fight in the dog!

Her shadow freaks her out in daylight AND moonlight!

Her favorite walk...up around the other side of the quarry!  The ice is slowly receding and she is plotting against the geese...