Monday, March 25, 2013

One Year Anniversary (Belated!)

My Brother at the Local Pub - The Irish Cottage 
St. Patrick's Day 2013
The Boy is Jimi Hendrix on the Pipes!
But Scotland the Brave Holds my Heart til my dyin' day!

Funny thing I didn't notice until I went looking for a quote...this blog has been actively worked for a year!  My goal was to have this and I missed it's anniversary by a week!  

Sometimes we get so busy plowing forward we forget to look back...may seem silly but my commitment to this has been an accomplishment for's been a forum...personal therapy, triumph and tears.  But above all of that it has been a place of hope for me.  Messages in a bottle...yes I still believe in them.  Because it isn't how much we are's how much we humans are the same that does it for me!

I'm still amazed when people email me or run into me and tell me they are reading it - I love the feedback, although the voluntary feedback on this blog has eluded me - I just haven't had the time to fix the comment/like option.  So a year under my belt!  I hope it has been as fun for you as it has for me!  The readership has grown - Hello Russia, Australia, Canada, Italy, Ireland, USA, Puerto Rico...actually hello World - Boy we are both big and small at the same time!

My goal for the coming year is to expand the blog, fix the damn comment situation, dream more, stress less, hope all around!  Maybe interact a bit more with my readers, feature some things... but always learn, always pass the torch of Hope - After all we are all in this world, this life, this existence together.  It took every moment from the beginning of time to make right make this moment - so please make it count!

  Promise me you will learn one new thing, write down a new goal, strive for a more authentic existence!  You know I'll be praying for you and sending good energy with every post!

So Happy Anniversary to us World, and of course Many More!