Sunday, March 24, 2013

All work but you gotta play...

This morning started out very spiritually, very much so in fact I have been unable to really gather my thoughts on it to blog it out.  Let's just say it was good until I can flesh it out for everyone...

On a much lighter note the middle of my day was not spent listing projects, planting plants, or cutting wood...It was about a nice reprieve from the work load I've been plowing through.  Today was all about a baby that is on the way!!

My very close friend Cheryl's sister is due in about 3 weeks - folks when I tell you she is BARELY showing it is the truth...some gal's get all the luck!  So I arrived very early (I am a chronically late person so Cheryl fibbed the time to get me there correctly...does she know me folks or does she know me?)

I walked into a place called Sonny's on The Lake and was greeted by a HUGE expanse of windows looking out over a lovely lovely lake!  After the recent series of unfortunate events, this was like an ice cold water in a desert.  Being that close to that much water has a complete positive and serene effect on my being.  I felt my belly relax, my chest open, and my smile soften... and I just had to sigh in it's beauty...then I saw the tables!

Cheryl is a floral designer, wedding planner extraordinaire!  This is pure talent and art!  It was on the water and everything from the flowers to the sea glass to the shells created an ambiance that set the soul right!

Thistle, greens, blues, and creams created watery dreams!

No detail was overlooked...

Bits of sea glass, shells, sand and moon colored candles oh my!

Sea Glass Candy Favors in Quilted Ball Jars!! (they knew I was coming!)

The view from our table!

The food was good and might I say so was the afternoon wine spritzer!  Many times a day like this with friends in celebration grounds you in a way no yoga mat could.  I pray we always take the time celebrate life's this case a baby boy...Life is good and I was blessed to be there!  I can't wait to meet the Little Man!
