Thursday, March 21, 2013

Suspicious Minds

So this morning was a live run with the girls before I left for work!  I was up at 4:30 but did the old heave hoe out of bed around 4:45.

Last night I prepped all I could for this AM...I even put the coffee in the basket and water in the machine so all I had to do was flip a switch come morning.  I had laid out clothes (normal) Prepared my packed lunch as well as Joe's (I always cook a bit extra for left overs)  We are saving $ that way and boy do we need it!  My morning was going smooth as glass.

After I got the coffee going and set out the lunches, I turned to the girls.  There is a nano science going on with them I swear - they were all settled sleeping and overlapping one another, one with her head in the feeder (hey I don't judge, I've been there myself).  But the second I moved the heat lamp they all shot up like little ticked off puffs, chirping loudly in protest!

They are getting big fast and they've taken to doing this obstacle course like run and leap for the walls of their pen.  I left them in the pen as long as I could - I washed and changed the feeder, waterer and the chick crap crusted thermometer (this is entirely my fault  you are supposed to hang the thermometer but I had visions of this metal rectangle falling like a giant guillotine on an unsuspecting puff - so I happily hot water wash crap off of it a few times daily.)  When I say happy I truly mean that!  Their attitudes are cracking me up something fierce.  They run around crazy chickens squawking and flapping like mad - It's total drama!  Like a bad chick day care!

So I have a small shipping cardboard box with some pine shavings to 'hold' them in while I quickly change their bedding.  They are very used to us picking them up and checking them out - I think the novelty of humans has worn off for them - actually I think the roll their eyes at this point and they are simply tolerating us.  So one by one I reached in like a shrinking giant and picked them up.  They aren't all named yet but we are getting there...

A real little bad ass one with a black and white mohawk hair style (feather style?) is now known as Stripe (from the movie Gremlins)  She's the fastest one in the bunch and man she lets you know it.  So into the box they went, then I was gripped by a horrifying sound ; The flapping of wing buds.  One climbed onto the back of another (I believe it was a team effort)   then she made a jump for it and by God she almost made it! EEEKKK!  I thought I had a few more weeks before the Alcatraz Routine.  I put folded out newspaper over the box and worked fast changing the shavings.  Soon they had cozy deep clean bedding, crap free water (for a little while) and fresh food (which looks like moon dust - I truly can't wait to be giving them fresh food)  The thermometer was crapped on by 3 of them right off the bat (protest I think?)

As I picked up the last chick, He looked me right in the face - Yes I say HE because I believe the Jigsy is Upsy. I think we've got a rooster... a cock in the harem for sure.  I may be paranoid, but I think there was an exchange of understanding.  I think he was challenging me.  I squinted at him and he chirped loudly (perhaps a threat?)  I put him down and he shook me off.  He then sauntered into the circle of ladies and looked up at me - If a cock could laugh well he did. O brother!  I stared him down and tried to look tough.  It's on senor and you best be a senorita with an attitude is all I can say!

I blew them a kiss goodbye, woke the boys up and headed out.  I left for work on time, then got stuck in 2 hours of traffic...Get thee to a farm soon God please!  I could've already logged 3 hours of honest work and gained street cred with the suspected rooster!

One day I won't be leaving for work, I'll already be there...crap crust for everyone - and you can bet the farm on that!