Friday, March 22, 2013

Taking the hint

So I'm on my lunch break at work today and  I usually obscure myself in a closed office or empty room, and have my break in silence.  It's sort of a midway 12 hour day reboot for my brain.  Working in an ICU can be a bit I grab 30 mins of zen.  When I transferred there, I think my coworkers thought me antisocial.  Now they know me well enough to realize it's just the meditating cosmic hippie wanna-be farm freak.

So anywho, I'm in this decked out corporatey conference room overlooking the river, with a table that seats 14, leather chairs and all.  Technology all over, etc etc.  And I had to laugh when I looked at myself;

Home brewed iced tea from my own fridge in a large ball jar, Homemade Turkey and Rice soup (Homemade as in even the stock was home cooked) also in a ball jar, I'm dreamily looking at the tree tops and the natural light with my latest issue of GRIT (aka homesteading/farming) magazine opened up, and I'm hoping that the baby chicks currently residing in my dining room are ok, I was also thinking about materials and venting for the old shed that will be their new home in a few weeks.  I. just. froze.  Then I laughed!

We are what we carry inside of us...  I've got one foot in that corporatey world out of a provisional necessity, but my other foot is in the mud, under the big sky, collecting eggs, planting food, and thinking about goats.

The shift is subtle, yet constant.  One day both feet in the same place...My prayer and promise to myself!
