Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Good Morning

Today lies within you a Billion little decisions.  The power of this morning holds the key to many tomorrows. In on instant by changing your mind YOU can change your life.  The wonderful thing about your brain is that once you present it with a new challenge it goes to work, even when you are asleep.  But today you are awake, very very awake.  Today you can make a decision to:
-Enjoy your time
-Look for a new job
-Say Yes to anything you've been wanting
-Eat one healthy meal
-Drink one glass of water
-Take a walk
-Take 3 deep breaths
-Say I love you
-Pray for someone you know
-Pray for someone you don't know
-Smile at three people
-Decide to live aware

Today is yours - A gift for you!
