Saturday, March 23, 2013

It's for your own good!

So today I was up at the crack of dawn (as usual) and planned on going for a run at the spa (aka gym).  Of course before I do anything pretty much the animals come first.  Bella the crazy chihuahua tends toward spoiled and lazy on the weekends and lounged in the boys bed looking at me hoping for breakfast in diva in this house is enough!

I put her on hold and went downstairs to see the girls (and 1 questionable rooster).  I readied the holding box on the dining room table and turned to scoop them up one by one to put them in.  When I turned I was almost eye level with the largest of the yellow ones.  She was standing right on top of the feeder, looking quite proud of herself, staring at me. O.M.G!

I was startled and plucked her off and put her in the box.  Flapping and jumping ensued.  They have been growing at quite a rate and well something had to be done.  I looked all over for a bigger container and came up with zero!  When we were only going to get six the pen seemed large enough...we ended up getting 12 (I heard this is normal...)  So I may end up having to split them into 2 pens for room and safety sake!  

There was old squared fencing type wire and I snipped it into a rectangle and bent the ends down to hold it in place.  When I popped it on I saw 12 disgruntled birds glaring up at me.  I can sleep easy knowing they CANNOT get out, but something will have to be done soon to give them more room.  

In a couple of weeks we will be outfitting an old shed with insulation, paneling, nesting boxes, a perch and a ladder - until then they are on lockdown!  God help us all