Friday, March 1, 2013

Questionable Apples

Today was a second day off in a row!  I wish I could say it was glam but it was laundry and scrubbing most of the time.  I decided before I cleaned the kitchen to shred the rest of the dark meat from the bones of the turkey I cooked the other day - I netted 4 bags of shredded meat that will reside passively in the freezer for a few weeks until the craving for turkey returns.  It will then return to my sitcom called life as a turkey pot pie!

So from that bird we enjoyed many dinners, which migrated to take to work lunches, which ended up soup, extra stock, and turkey salad.  Time consuming but frugal enough to make it well worth it!

I ended up with an always pleasant intelligent phone conversation with Cheryl, about cured bacon, asparagus patches, trout season and where to snag a taste of squirrel soup.  I was cleaning out the fridge, rearranging and taking note of what was around.  Luckily in this house with 3 hungry men there isn't too much that goes to waste.  There were however some questionable apples.

A questionable apple, by Cheryl's definition, is an apple that's no longer a little boys best friend.  It isn't very crispy, may appear a bit wrinkly and is ready to be transformed into a cooked apple.  There were four of these questionable ones and 2 huge Golden ones.  The Goldies were still snackable but were sacrificed for the crisp.

I chopped them all up and made a simple recipe of sugar, cinnamon, water, lemon juice, flour, oatmeal, and of course butter.  When I tell you the house smelled like home it was the truth!  It's still a bit biting outside, damp and windy.  This was the perfect day for a crisp like this.  I chopped up some chocolate and make choc chunk cookies as well.  I have to work tomorrow and am happy to leave the guys with a bit of homemade happiness in my absence.  I snagged a scoop of crisp and hid it in a sealed container under the onions in the fridge...MUHAHAHAHA!

It was damn good.. and there was no question about that!