Thursday, February 28, 2013

Days of Light

Had the day off and now that the snow is receding I went to scope out the visual on the garden expansion!  I walked outside and heard a few birds, there was an invigorating crisp in the air and the sun was coming through in patches.  I'll be starting seeds soon and wanted to...needed to....was dying to....see where their new home would be!  According to the Almanac we are gaining a few precious minutes of daylight every morning now...

In an area that is quite wooded this patch of dirt seems un-obscured by the towering trees.  It gets the most light!  The beds are going to be quickie built raised beds - untreated 6x8's are waiting nice and dry in the shed :)  I'm thinking the area should afford me 3 4x4 beds and an L shaped 2' wide run.  We are doing this on the cheap so it will be T-posts and chicken wire.  I've decided beans - runners and climbers will buffer the road.  There will be a large deep pot of sorts for the carrots, The blessed hand crafted potato towers, ( The nursery in town boasts MID MARCH POTATO STARTS ARRIVE-I AM SO THERE!)  And facing the driveway (the darker blacktop) will be gourds and the like.   Under the split rail I want to try more herbs - I'll get that dehydrator or make one this year come hell or high water!

If I had my way, there wouldn't even be a lawn...I vow to have my way one day in a little patch of heaven all my own (difficult in the townhouse where I currently reside!)  for now it's borrowed dirt...but Ahh the promise and hope of the future is bright on the horizon with every seed I sow in the dirt and my soul!  Forward we go...LAND HOE!

Green me up Scottie - GREEN ME UP!