Sunday, February 24, 2013

Channeling Cheryl - 6 AM STOCK

Rip the carcass apart and boil with your freezer 'crap bags' of food scraps...Cheryl doesn't mince words when it comes to frugal cooking.  

My thought until a few years ago had always been, why endure the labor of making a stock when the shelves at the food store are laden with it?  I have since found out exactly why you want to make your own...

Yesterday I cooked a turkey that had been frozen for a while. 17 lbs and about 6.5 hours later I had enough meat for; a few proper Turkey dinners, Turkey Salad, Turkey Pot Pies, and the mother of all that is holy...Turkey Rice Soup.  After my family was fed and in there semi conscious rests, I set about for the makings of a proper stock and soup.  The white pot in the pic is one of two that were set to boil and toil.  One will be made into soup today with various veggies and a long grain aromatic rice.  The other will be bagged and frozen plain - and pulled out at a future date.

Last evening the house had a somewhat formal game goodness scent going on, mingled with potatoes, 3 lbs of chopped carrot, huge onions and heated bread. If compost maketh black gold for the garden a carcass and scrap maketh rich gold for the belly.  Since beginning to make my own stock there is far less waste of food and a far more economical stretch of real meals.  I know why soup strengthens the ill - just one look and you know it is infused with strength that came from the ground.  It is humbly beautiful.

It is warming up a bit in our parts but we are still bracing a chilling rain and overall wet of sorts...the mud is an earthy ice rimmed slush.  I look upon the dirt at this time as a rest of fortitude, a hibernation, a gathering slumber.  Until we work the ground and plant again to see us through yet another winter that will surely come - there is stock in the freezer and warm bread to be had. And many more recipes from frugal friends to find.

Ahhh Sunday!