Wednesday, February 13, 2013


I wasn't quite right Sunday morning when I woke up.  A friend happened to text me and ask if I was ok - I replied 'No.'  I explained some things that had been going on and that there was a growing sense of urgency within me.  A bit of panic seemed to have taken hold of me...she cut through the chase and told me, in no uncertain terms, to meet up with her at the diner down the road in approx 20 mins.  I was dazedly nodding into the phone as I grabbed my boots...

See every so often we all have things that seem inexplicable and our otherwise rational minds are overcome by a storm of stress, worry, and emotions.  She had sensed this and threw the life line, pulling me into the winter fresh air and action. Moving forward has always been my thing - but in that moment with deadly dark waters swirling about my mind, I needed to be spurned into action by a friend...

V is a friend I met quite a few years ago when I was selling real estate in town.  She ran the marketing end of things in the office.  I was going through major life changes and we sort of had a spiritual connection and awakening.  We have stayed in touch ever since the original group disbanded, checking in on one another from time to time.  We have shared cosmic messages at apparently all the right times.  I believe she has been a friend long before this lifetime and shall remain so long after we are gone.

I walked into the diner with scattered energy and from a back table V waved to me.  I slid into the booth as tears slid down my cheeks.  They were tears of frustration and also tears of peace because I knew I was in a safe sacred space with V.  "Just breath Christine, just breath honey"  She has a voice that makes you think of a canoe gently rocking in a protected tropical cove...

Slowly it all came out.  Some tears, some laughter.  You see V is on her way to being a professional Life Coach - she runs a Book Study currently doing an Eckhart Tolle work.  She is a teacher, but she doesn't always believe that.  There is a divinity that surrounds her and the words she speaks always seem to be the right ones.  Every now and then she would interject 'Christine you are in the past - get out of the past' or 'Christine, that's not about you, that's about someone else' or 'Christine, look at that you need to look at that - what does saying that do to you?  Where is your energy? Explore that - it's yes or no'  And on and on it went until she excavated all the boulders of stress from my psyche til they lay like pebbles at my feet.  My breathing steadied and I got my footing back.  I once again became light and positive.  Proactive has always been my thing.  Reactive is a sort of bad dream I slip into sometimes when I'm overwhelmed, overtired, and over the edge.

Talking with her got me some new perspectives on the way I was thinking about certain things.  Some things are business and deserve no emotion.  Being the head of the house, being both the mom and the dad make it business...a sole proprietorship.  Some things need planning and not an emotional flick of the wrist.  But I get caught up - because I want everything to be solved NOW.  And yet, when I look back, so many of my triumphs and successes were born of ideas that came like lightening, but implementation that took time...intentional actions that were slow, steady, and consistent.

So I left with a renewed sense of purpose and a crystal clear head.  Thank God for friends such as these.  It is a spiritual give and take - to have a friend like this you must be a friend like this - and I strive to do that everyday.

As for V?  Well I see a very successful future in the Cosmic Life Coaching World...where there are no coincidences, only revelations.   There are so many groups she has yet to lead, so many lifelines she will toss into an ocean of need for so many treading water... waiting to find solid ground.  

Thank you God for sending us Veronica.
