Wednesday, August 29, 2012

The medicine of the Future!

I cannot control how excited I am at the prospect of what lies ahead of me!

I signed up for a workshop at Cold Antler Farm entitled ‘Words and Wool’ a cozy time set in Jenna Woginrich’s (my hero!) farm house in Washington County NY.  It will expand the attendee’s knowledge of blogging, writing, and well wooling!

I have been bitten by the farm bug and only the medicine of dirt and livestock can show me the cure.  I am moving in the direction of my dreams to evolve into ‘Cosmic Farm Girly! And Gratitude Blogger!”  

The universe has laid a stone path in a garden of thyme, bringing me closer to my reality every day!  My free time is infused with all things homesteading, skill building, and writing, wondering and directing my intentions to becoming the person I’ve been carrying around inside of me.  When my soul and this ‘dirt thing’ met it was like a Soothsayer seeing her first full moon…Destiny.

So after 2 grueling days at work (under fluorescent lighting) I came home to an announcement by Jenna…Jon Katz (famous author /Bedlam Farm Blogger) will be at the December workshop!  When I tell you the smile has not left my face for hours it is the truth folks.

My cup runneth over with what I can only describe as divine blessings to be moving in the direction of my intent.  

I read an article that the ‘medicine’ of the future is Energy, Good Energy, Positive Energy, Grateful Energy, Energy you want to share, Love, Touch, and BE.  I humbly look forward to that little farmhouse on the side of a mountain in December with the Energy of writers, farmers, homesteaders, students of the universe!  

What gives YOU that Energy? – Find it and if you’ve Found it;  LOVE IT, EMBRACE IT, GIVE THANKS FOR IT!

Believe with every fiber of your being and begin…today…right now…this moment…to move in the direction of your dreams...

They’ve been waiting for YOU

Stay tuned…This is getting good!

Good Energy to you all you Soothsayers!