Saturday, August 11, 2012


Stopped along my favorite road...Mountain Road.  I drive it...alot.  I walk it....alot.  I pulled over and rolled my windows down to get this picture.  For some reason, I decided to turn the car off.  Without the hum of the engine I was overtaken by the sounds all around me; small chirps of the meadow bugs, the slight breeze making the leaves giggle, and the quiet underneath the sound of BEing.

The horses paid me no mind.  They kicked at the ground with soft thumps randomly.  They exhaled and snorted completely engulfed in their moment.  I could hear their mouth sounds and the gentle ripping of the grass...then the chew...then the snort...then the thumps.  Again and then again.

It was meditative in nature, this moment.  How much goes unnoticed when we go whizzing by in our cars?  Our unnaturalness causing us to miss the most basic beautiful things.  Roll your windows down.  Listen.  The life around you has its own melody.     Good Energy To You!