Monday, August 13, 2012

Step One...

O yes I did!  Went to the Fair yesterday a very different girly than years past...I was armed with a backpack, a camera, a bandana, a notebook, but more than that ; A PURPOSE!  I was like a kid in a candy store, I went into the first tent and I believe it was sponsored by the 4-H?  I can't be certain BUT I found  tons of info at my fingertips for anything and everything I had questions for.  I began grabbing copies like a bad executive, Highland Cattle, Scottish Sheep, Backyard Chickens, Rabbits, BeeKeeping - you name it I got it in hand!  My 15 year old son, (Mr.) William, was with me - this proved to be the best blessing of the entire day...

We made our way to that beacon of light - the shining monument - The Poultry exhibit.  We looked at every dirty birdy there.  Many different breeds were present, forgive my ignorance, I only know but a few.  I started to second guess myself tho, some of these birds presented themselves in very fowl moods.  Then Mr. William and I reminded eachother that this was indeed their last day of the Fair so the birds were most likely spent, done, sick of being looked at, and now had chosen to shun anything human.  Those of you that know me know I've got a 7lb chihuahua/jack russell dog.  Part of the reason I wanted a small insane animal (other than the need to mirror my own mental state) was that I felt safer.  If she ever decided to turn on me I could just  broom hockey her into a closet somewhere.  Very big animals scare me. Period.  But there was a silver glint in my shadow of doubt...

Chickens come in smaller breeds, in fact a lot of livestock does!!! HOORAY!!!

We found the desk, the doorway, the gateway, the metaphorical portal that I would step through to be on my way to Cosmic Farm Girl.  The Sussex County Poultry Fanciers Headquarters.  I walked right up to them.  "I want to join"   "o yeah? What kind of birds do you keep"  "Well right now I keep them in my heart"
Yup another wacko farm stalker.  Sign me up baby, SIGN ME UP!

So with pen in hand an encouragement from the other side (I work with a woman and her husband is already in the poultry club - took a prize for his pigeons this year!) I took the application and began filling it out.  Mr. William looked it over "Mom get the family membership - I wanna go with you"  WHA????? Sweeter words I never heard!  I stood misty eyed.  Yes. It's really that far gone now, there is no turning back.

So here we are with our first meeting to attend on the FAMILY calendar!  He is reading up on smaller hardy breeds and looking to ask my dad to build a dirty birdy digs (coop!) (Did I mention he was reading?  Not playing video games, but reading about building something, caring for something, something real, something worth it?) He is reading about being the change, the change we want to see in the world.   My heart swelled again!

On our ride home we took a turn down a side road in Frankford. The land is amazing, green lush, quiet, full of promise and at the height of it's beauty this time of year.    "Hey mom, that's a meadow, it's peaceful here"       It sure is.