Thursday, August 2, 2012

Fancy That!

Those of you who know me, know I am on a path.  Every so often on this walk, a 'road sign' is posted to encourage me to continue in the direction of my dreams...

A few months ago I attended a Workshop at an AWESOME farm in Washington County, NY.  It was billed as a 'Plan B' disaster preparedness talk - I felt it may have also been called 'Plan H' for Hope.

There were three authors that spoke; James Howard Kunstler (esteemed an highly opinionated social commentator and author of The Long Emergency which details the impact posed on society by the Post Peak Oil scenario), Kathy Harrison (Homesteader, Author of 'Just in Case' a manual/guide to living remotely or among natural disaster and surviving-She also appeared on the hit show 'Doomsday Preppers'-part of my apocalyptic porn), And my hero, Jenna Woginrich who's book 'Made from Scratch' sparked the kick in the ass to move toward the life I coveted.

The Workshop took place on 6 acres, Jenna's place - Cold Antler Farm.  The day was perfect and traveling through the Adirondacks to get there, just as perfect.  Everything roadside on that ride is ancient and bigger that life; the trees the stones the lakes - it hit me hard on every level.   Hearing the authors speak and sitting under a King Maple on the front yard amphitheater was the ultimate for me.  The sound of a bubbling stream, roosters and hushed breezes was salve for my soul.  Part of the day included a tour  of Jennas place a small, sturdy, gritty homestead positioned on the side of a sort of watershed type mountain.  It was remote as all get out - tucked into a sunny spot of greenery with the timeless mountain arms of safety hugging it close .  Chickens, Geese, Goats, Black-faced Scottish Sheep and BeeKeeping had me tapping my Higher Goddess Big Time.   There was a beautiful concept presented to my brain that day ; Intentional Living.

Fast Forward to my place of employment 2 days ago...  A cosmic type of chick that grew up in Manhattan and wound up here (Sussex County, NJ)  came in.  P.H. was making her exit from our place of wellness and haphazardly mentioned that she had to take care of her exhibit at our State Fair this coming week.  I casually asked her what she did...and there it was....Another Road Sign.

"Oh I belong to a wonderful group, The Sussex County Poultry Fanciers Club!"   You don't say?

I brought her around the hall and showed her my photos above my desk, my covert hidden copy of Mother Earth News, and began tripping over my words to explain myself like some farm stalker.  "Ok girl," she said motioning to my pen "Write!"  In 5 seconds I had a list of resources, her cell number, and an invitation to visit her and 'The Group' and possibly join if I liked it!!!!

Then the great confession; with head bowed I reluctantly told her I reside in a townhouse.  She looked at me with determination 'You can keep quiet chickens on your deck'  BLASPHEMY!!!! I shuddered as I imagined being tarred and feathered (pun I know) by the association on my front pesticide treated patch of grass.  'You can and will find a place to keep your girls'  P.H. assured me 'That is if you want it bad enough''   ROAD SIGN WITH BLINKING LIGHT!  Cosmic Intersection!!

Fair starts Friday...

Saturday is my day to get up close and get the dirties on some birdies!  An Intentional Desire thrown out to the powers that be a few months ago....A Poultry Club?! Who woulda thunk it?  Fancy That...