Monday, August 27, 2012

The Chill

Ended up this weekend with the Vegans on the Mountain.  You know when you crave the company of certain others  that it is so very satisfying to be with them?  That was our evening!

We had a humble dinner of BBQ roasted veggies, salads, and fruited desserts.  The kids did their own thing and we sat around a table outside under the leafy umbrella of the woods and talked.  I had 2 new books to pass to John "You can Farm" and 'Possum Living' - I know he shall enjoy both!  They spoke of their recent trip to the Catskills camping and invited us to go with next time.  A fall camping!  Waking up cozy but 'face chilled fresh', nothing better than that hot coffee and always spaghetti after a day of outdoor wonder - we are so there!!!

A chill crept onto our shoulders after dusk and john grabbed little chinks of wood and soon had a fire blazing.  A rag tag fleet of chairs surrounded this as we all paid homage to its comfort.  We had all had a cup of tea after dinner and one by one John threw the teabags into the fire.  He called it 'cheap fireworks' - what happened was delightful, I highly recommend this practice to anyone enjoying and outdoor blaze...

One by one the tea leaves ignited and sent up strips of burning embers.  They looked like orange shooting stars!  They rose up about 3 feet from the flames.  Curlicues of inspired thought, good conversation, and contentment given to the night sky...Never underestimate the primal draw of a good fire!

Good Energy to You!