Wednesday, August 22, 2012

The In-between

While driving around with Mr. William the other day, we found ourselves in the bucolic setting of our local rolling farm lands.  We rode with the windows down and the music off.  We would slow as we passed the old gray farmhouse …swing still in front, the brick ranch house with a hand dug well, the faded white manner house chipped from the sun, and the acres and acres of gentle green swells framed by gray damp stone walls.

The peace we felt was beyond measure.  

Jung writes of the emotional and mythic relationship with nature, how a soft place for the eye to rest can somehow better the human psyche.  I believe this is so true and so basic.  Did we as humans come equipped with this knowledge?   Were we removed from this truth by the constant distraction of an increasingly static modern world?

My boys and I find ourselves ‘out there’ more and more.  As I spend my days working under the garish gutting fluorescent lights (a temporary exile 4 days a week) I roam inside myself where my soul is free. 

I work in a beautiful spot, an alternative type doctor’s office in the country.  When I walk outside after a busy day, I am greeted by a series of meadows across the street. The fold into each other like the softness of meringue.   I often wonder what would happen if I dropped my bag and simply walked toward the horizon.  Would I be trespassing on land that the entity of a bank may own?  Would I be breaking the law while upholding the law of my being?  Many days I settle for a sigh, a caged animal in waiting…Faith that the universe knows what it is doing.  It places this all before me to strive for peace.

I am in the in-between.  That point in life where you cannot and will not ignore that which you truly are.

You have stepped onto the path that will lead you to yourself.  You find yourself in circumstances that shall reveal you to yourself.  You are now and you are the cumulation of that girl in Literature class, begging to know the truth behind Frost’s ‘The Road Not Taken’.  And it is your moment to be brought to the face of fate and shake hands with your future.  Will it be an old friend that’s been waiting for you? 

Destiny is so Devine.  So Enigmatic.  It refuses to be ignored.

Don’t be afraid…it is time to become who you were meant to be.

Welcome old friend, I am you and you are me.


Good Energy to You on Your Journey Home