Sunday, August 19, 2012


Mr. William and I are anxiously awaiting our first Sussex County Poultry Club Meeting - Thur 23!!!  We are busying ourselves talking about what kind of Digs the Dirty Birdies will call home.  We have narrowed it down to Bantam Hens and Ameraucana (the Easter Egg layers) !  They are both on the smaller side as far as breeds go, so should we get some violent zombie birds they are small enough to not overtake us...

The Ameraucana's lay the Blue & Greenish eggs!  We ran to Tractor Supply the other day to look at the feeders, feed, and 'bedding'...the family that stalks together...

Mr. William is looking at perhaps constructing a coop (these things are expensive to buy - some cost more than my first car (Ford Escort 1984!).  And a handmade home may be insulated much better and more authentic personally.

What was really fantastic was that it sparked a conversation on past Hunter/Gatherer as opposed to Agrarian cultures.  We talked about that spark when humans understood that they could set down better roots and create a microcosm of survival - The rich deposits of the Nile Floods where seed need only be cast upon it to grow...When animals could be cared for and given a prayer of gratitude upon their consumption...when a few rocks could create a pool for fish along a river.

When I asked what he thought of allowing some eggs to hatch so we could increase our flock he replied "I think the chickens would know what to do and do it better without our help."  Ask me why I love this kid!

On Another Cosmic Note...

I was in the car the other day with my father. I had never told him about this blog, and let me know he somehow found it and reads it!  So Hi dad and thanks!  I know you are nervous we will ask to put the Dirty Birdies in your yard...don't be...we will give you eggs :)  Joking - kind of - we are hoping this meeting will put us in touch with alternative ideas for our flock.  Should we build the digs from scratch, we will need you on that one please!

I will keep you posted on the Dirty Birdies Day as it unfolds...

Thank you to everyone that is reading - the comment/like has proven difficult for everyone , myself included and I just havent had time to troubleshoot it - but your texts, emails, and Facebook msgs have been inspiring!  I am attending a Words & Wool workshop at Cold Antler Farm in the future and the focus will be 'Blogs' - I have plans for this one so please stay tuned!!

  I am amazed at the amount of people that are reading and I am deeply touched...Cosmic Cool Beans! (from the Victory Garden of course!)  And remember: Give Peas a Chance -   Good Energy to you All!!