Sunday, August 12, 2012


Today I awoke so flippy excited!  FINALLY!  The last day of the fair...not a moment to spare!  I'm going to  go get the dirties on the birdies!  I made the decision this AM (I told you it borders on obsession) that my first chickens will be egg layers.  I will not be purchasing any today, no.  Today will be a sensory immersion in some fowl things!

I will begin by plunking my $ down at that all familiar dusty fair entrance, then proceeding directly to the Poulet Pavillion.  Once there I will gaze upon those lovelies that have captured my imagination for so long.  Images of healthy brown eggs (pasturized on real earth are lower in cholesterol - HA!), ruffles of farm feathers swishing like ball gowns, and the gentle cluck cluck cluck.  I will locate the Sussex County Poultry Fanciers and throw my heart at them "Take thee and do what you wish" - Teach me all the fowl knowledge you have!  Camera in hand.  Will I get to hold a lovely?  Words cannot express my excitement!

I do not dare a cup of coffee today - I may explode with the vibrations of a new venture!

After I have exhausted the livestock, for I wish to see goats (one day o yes one day), Pigglys (minature I think), Rabbits (stew!), and perhaps a mule (something legend to be more stubborn than myself), I will continue to the HOME EC area...Vegetables, Canning, and Quilts OH MY!

Today I am a humble servant of the livestock & farm realm!  As they said in the Goonies..."It all starts here!"