Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Lists of the Crisp Days

Is there nothing more delicious than the cold day lists we make?  As the light dims earlier on our pilgrimage toward autumn,  we cannot resist the pages of potential an empty notebook may hold.  Number 2 pencils with novels set in lead.  Something of the chilled grass and the crunch earthy smell of drifted leaves awakens the eternal student in all of us.

What are you planning for the fall?

Last night the temperature dropped, it was time to throw open the windows – out with the conditioned air and in with the preview of crispy oxygen!  I opened the front door to walk the crazy Chihuahua and picked up a scent.  I felt like a keen predator.  WOODFIRE!

Can any scent define fall better than woodfire?  Its promise of orange and amber, the pop of hardwood, the drop of ash and the drift of a smokey apparition.  The stories of the old times. The hopes for the new times.  The clues are there if we open our eyes. 

My lists consist of prepping for the comfort of the days ahead.  I will work on the boys’ room; paint, scrubbing floor boards, lined curtains (mimicking the tapestries in stone castles) to outsmart the drafts, swept and mopped floors, sweaters in the house of fresh air, branches snapping underfoot on the walks, cool apples with whitened sweet moist flesh, stews, roasts, diamond clear starry nights…Invigorating, unfailing, FALL!

Family, Friends, Gratitude, Wine, Air, Deep Breaths, Pinecones, Dirt, Denim,  Fallow Fields waiting for frost, Plaid, Tweed, Candles, Pies, Cold rushing streams, Sepia Landscapes, Hay Bales, Cornstalks, Gourds,  The puffy blue jacket vest my father once wore, my brother once wore, my son now wears…FALL!

Make your lists, the celebration is in the potential – take a class, expand your mind, read something new, Write something to your kin, Build a Firepit and set it ablaze with the fire in your heart…Fall is upon us, crawling over the forests the valleys the lands – Breath Deep – Good Energy to You!