Thursday, August 30, 2012

Strike One...Fowl Ball

Just a little update on the Dirty Birdy Diaries…

A week or so ago Mr. William and I made our way to the Fairgrounds in Augusta to attend our first Poultry Club Meeting!

We found the Admin Building and it was dark as night!  Did they not accept us into their fowl realm?  Did we not have street cred?  Where was this mecca of livestock?  This subcultural phenom we wanted in on?  We looked at eachother in disbelief.  The boy was checking his phone like a lovesick little freak “Ma I know the meeting was tonight!”  Apparently we had the wrong night?
Well we did find horses…en mas…and cowboys everywhere.   It was like an incorrect apocalyptic flick.

Did we stumble into the wrong portal?  Where was my poultry?  We drove around the grounds like a couple of fowl rejects…cast-off cocks… obeying the one way signs in fields for Gods sakes during a very OFF NJ Fair season.  We were stumped.  Like an old movie where the happy music is scratched off on an LP record in shock!

I got to work on the net and got the info as to the next meeting – We are now connected and I am a proud Facebook member of the Sussex County Poultry Association Club (!zinga!) – I keep checking to make sure they don’t remove my privileges –The whole Farm Stalker thing and  I’ve yet to adopt Dirty Birdies of my own…but ya know...I’m keepin that somewhat on the downlow…
So the next meeting is Sept 20th and Mr. William is considering plans for the Dirty Digs and Roosts.  I am armed with a few library books on the subject – so we will wait until next month with bated breath…don’t worry…you will all be the first to know!

Good Fowl Energy, Y'All!