Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Live to 105

Dan Buettner is a researcher, explorer, writer and all around awesome human being!  I recently read his book 'Thrive' and located him on TedTalks.  For anyone that doesn't know, TedTalks is a forum of higher thought and enlightened ideas.  People from all areas of interest are given about a 15 minute forum in which to 'shake their thang' and share their ideas.  You will find talks on genius, food deserts, solar power, clean water...  I highly recommend browsing TedTalks when you have a pocket of time to expand your noggin!

So back to Dan.  Thrive is a book in which he researches 'Blue Zones'.  These are areas globally (and your own back yard) where folks achieve the ultimate in happiness and contentment.  Our pop culture has tried to brainwash us that 'happiness' is $, bling, celebrity...not a chance. 

Denmark is a Blue Zone - why?  Because there is a somewhat social safety net ; people are more apt to try their hands at what their heart desires - Folk Art School anyone?  Education is covered - no stress there.  Old Age is respected (gasp!) and people are cared for by their families in their golden years and if that isn't possible they are cared for very well by their country in proximity to their families.  Sound too good to be true?  It's a Blue Zone Dahling read on...

Costa Rican woman...103 years old...walking through the jungle...machete in hand....she is my hero!  Cold lands where elders take a day every week to walk about (i.e. hike up what i would consider a cliff) breath fresh mountain air, laugh with their friends in the crisp wind. 

But here's the secret - Yes Blue Zones are 'out there'.  But they are also RIGHT HERE!   The idea is a shift in perception on our part.  Anything you look forward to, try that's new, hold a baby to you, that's a personal Blue Zone.  Take an online class, read a book, have some tea, Blue Zone for me.

Why is this near to my heart?  Well when I started working in a little country hospital as a nursing assistant I began to notice things...people with good attitudes and visitors cut their stay tremendously - they had a fire to get out of that bed and back to their life.  People I worked with that were new to grandparenting couldnt wait to get to those little pumpkins and just BE.  A warm blanket was sometimes the most complete thing you could do for someone.  Just listening was enough sometimes. That place became an intangible observation deck for my soul.  I thank God everyday I had that job.  In a strange way - it was one of my Blue Zones.  People, I've realized, and ideas butter my bread.

 I started a little poll of my own.  I live in an area where there is a high concentration of Dutch descent.  These people are stoic, but funny.  They are hard hard workers, many are farmers.  Many enjoy good health well into their 90's.  I had a lady who had taken her first medication, an aspirin at 93!  So when I would enter a room I would get talking with these folks.  If they were over 90 I would casually ask 'So what did you do for a living?"  Nine times out of ten they were farmers.  'Im scottish, what is your descent?'  Nine times out of ten they were Dutch.  It almost gbecame laughable and I clued in a few people that I worked with on my little 'longevity assessment'.  Something to pass the time?  Maybe. A cosmic question TOTALLY.

Apparently all that time working in the fields, tending to animals, eating what they grew (YES YOU SEE WHERE I AM GOING WITH THIS!) living many times in a multigenerational set up, observing rest (God knows they needed it), existing under NATURAL LIGHT, NATURAL CYCLES....all added up to a longer, healthier, happier, stronger life.  A Blue Zone in our own backyard.

Can you really live to 105?  I don't know but Im bettin the farm on the Dutch.  'And if you could survive to 105 think of all you'll derive out of being alive...and here is the best have a head start...if you are among the very young at heart' ;)

Find your Blue Zones         Good Energy To You!