Friday, August 31, 2012

Main Street America

Things were slow at the hospital today.  I got the delicious call off at 5:15AM.  A day to one's self!

Not far from my Hamlet of Hamburg there is another town called Franklin.  Time has dusted this once bustling town with hardship, strip malls, and big box stores.  For me it has always maintained a forgotten charm.

On a quiet sunny day, like the one I find myself in, you can hear the soft puffy breeze of summer passing, it whispers of days gone by.  This is a new bridge they built over the Franklin Pond.  I've been told by many that this was THE place in high summer at one time.  There was a beach and a freshwater pool where the falls now are - the only clue is an out of place concrete pillar that juts out of the water.  There was an ice cream shop across the street and cabins on Rt 23 that city types came up and stayed in.

Franklin was a mining town, a bustling place of work and community at one time.  A small hospital sat up on the hill and there was a true blue steam engine horn that would blow.  I was treated to an informal tour by Phil Crabb Freeholder one day at the Franklin Fire House.  They still have the original horn on display there but ironically with all of our modern technology nothing will ever blow that horn like the steam did.  Rumor has it that you could hear it all the way to Newton!

Our local newspaper is so blessed to have historical writer Jennie Sweetman as a contributor.  This woman paints life the way it was then.  My favorite article to date was the one about Victory Gardens on just about all the properties.  The town itself is lined with 'miners bungalows' and true date homes.  You have to get out of your car and hoof it for the full effect.  If you listen while walking under the dappled trees in town, the whispered breezes will tell you where to look on some properties to get a flesh out of where those gardens, now gone, had been.

My youngest son, Michael,  doesn't know it yet but he is on a quest for this kind of life.  He tells me all the time 'there has to be places like this somewhere where everything is in walking distance Mom.  Where there is a library, a diner, a place to hear bands, where kids play in creeks...these places gotta be somewhere Mom.'  It is my hope that this boy will find one, or his generation will find themselves back to them.  It was simple.  It was close.  It was sensible.  It was community. 

It's a far flung thought,  but sometimes I think if our world should change somehow, somehow become smaller, more localized in a way;  the structures of these sort of towns would see their day again...and I don't think it would be a bad thing at all.

For now though, should you find yourself in a town like this, park your car and walk...listen to what the dormant Victory Gardens and the breezes say to you.

Good Energy on your next day off!

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Strike One...Fowl Ball

Just a little update on the Dirty Birdy Diaries…

A week or so ago Mr. William and I made our way to the Fairgrounds in Augusta to attend our first Poultry Club Meeting!

We found the Admin Building and it was dark as night!  Did they not accept us into their fowl realm?  Did we not have street cred?  Where was this mecca of livestock?  This subcultural phenom we wanted in on?  We looked at eachother in disbelief.  The boy was checking his phone like a lovesick little freak “Ma I know the meeting was tonight!”  Apparently we had the wrong night?
Well we did find horses…en mas…and cowboys everywhere.   It was like an incorrect apocalyptic flick.

Did we stumble into the wrong portal?  Where was my poultry?  We drove around the grounds like a couple of fowl rejects…cast-off cocks… obeying the one way signs in fields for Gods sakes during a very OFF NJ Fair season.  We were stumped.  Like an old movie where the happy music is scratched off on an LP record in shock!

I got to work on the net and got the info as to the next meeting – We are now connected and I am a proud Facebook member of the Sussex County Poultry Association Club (!zinga!) – I keep checking to make sure they don’t remove my privileges –The whole Farm Stalker thing and  I’ve yet to adopt Dirty Birdies of my own…but ya know...I’m keepin that somewhat on the downlow…
So the next meeting is Sept 20th and Mr. William is considering plans for the Dirty Digs and Roosts.  I am armed with a few library books on the subject – so we will wait until next month with bated breath…don’t worry…you will all be the first to know!

Good Fowl Energy, Y'All!

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

The medicine of the Future!

I cannot control how excited I am at the prospect of what lies ahead of me!

I signed up for a workshop at Cold Antler Farm entitled ‘Words and Wool’ a cozy time set in Jenna Woginrich’s (my hero!) farm house in Washington County NY.  It will expand the attendee’s knowledge of blogging, writing, and well wooling!

I have been bitten by the farm bug and only the medicine of dirt and livestock can show me the cure.  I am moving in the direction of my dreams to evolve into ‘Cosmic Farm Girly! And Gratitude Blogger!”  

The universe has laid a stone path in a garden of thyme, bringing me closer to my reality every day!  My free time is infused with all things homesteading, skill building, and writing, wondering and directing my intentions to becoming the person I’ve been carrying around inside of me.  When my soul and this ‘dirt thing’ met it was like a Soothsayer seeing her first full moon…Destiny.

So after 2 grueling days at work (under fluorescent lighting) I came home to an announcement by Jenna…Jon Katz (famous author /Bedlam Farm Blogger) will be at the December workshop!  When I tell you the smile has not left my face for hours it is the truth folks.

My cup runneth over with what I can only describe as divine blessings to be moving in the direction of my intent.  

I read an article that the ‘medicine’ of the future is Energy, Good Energy, Positive Energy, Grateful Energy, Energy you want to share, Love, Touch, and BE.  I humbly look forward to that little farmhouse on the side of a mountain in December with the Energy of writers, farmers, homesteaders, students of the universe!  

What gives YOU that Energy? – Find it and if you’ve Found it;  LOVE IT, EMBRACE IT, GIVE THANKS FOR IT!

Believe with every fiber of your being and begin…today…right now…this moment…to move in the direction of your dreams...

They’ve been waiting for YOU

Stay tuned…This is getting good!

Good Energy to you all you Soothsayers!