Sunday, September 16, 2012

Water Witches and Dowsing

When I bought my current home it was to no one’s surprise that a large body of water lay close at hand.  I live next to a quarry.  My quarry has many mysteries as most of the water in this area is blessed with.  There are old mine shafts that span literally hundreds of miles between local small towns like Hamburg and Franklin.  This has spawned many excellent interesting conversations among my friend.  He is part Native American and I Celtic…ironically our core belief systems and reactions to the natural realm are very similar.  It is a raw elemental pull.

Upon discussion and meditation we have imagined the aquatic mine shafts teeming with life, darkened dreamy swaying grasses along untrodden paths submerged long ago.  Paths humans blasted through, dug through, sweated through; now preserved and evolving.  Water seeks its lowest point and settles and resides and gathers.

My first exposure to dowsing occurred somewhat incidentally.  I am blessed with many clusters of eclectic friends, whose numbers continue to grow and, like these paths, evolve.

It was a celebration of sorts in my new home where I invited friends dubbed ‘The Vagina Mafia’ to my digs.  The goal was to mirror my new place with the collective energy of our souls.  A cosmic friend; Carol of Beach Haven, brought another friend I like to call Lady Jane.  I did not know Lady Jane well, only in passing and various get togethers, but she is amethyst like me.  And I’ve learned you do not have to necessarily know someone to KNOW someone.  Months and moons pass and this group of friends can find itself regrouped in a matter of minutes and that time away evaporates like the morning mist over the swamp due East of my home.

Conversation soon turned mystic in nature (Thanks to combination of estrogen, wine, and chocolate!)  It quieted down and there was a question posed ‘Any issues here Christine?’  To a normal group this could’ve been interpreted in any number of mind numbing ways; issues with work? Issues with $? Issues with kids??  But we cut to the chase.  And I quietly replied ‘The Kitchen’

In my last home I catered.  Cosmically.  Feeding Folks REAL food.  Simmered for hours.  True Vegetables. Stews. Breads.  My small business’ byline was ‘A Feast for the Soul’.  You would always find me in the kitchen.  

In my new home the kitchen was small.  Galley.  Which is fine because I am small and the kitchen is my jungle – I climb, I dance, I spin magic in sauce… a sorceress with a wooden spoon. 

 I love to cook and I believe the energy you pour into things with your ingredients reaches the recipient and makes all the difference in nourishing the whole person.  Crazy?  Try it.

So I looked at my group and said ‘Everything here is perfect, the water, the children, the energy…but I can’t spend more than 15 minutes in the kitchen…it’s like I’m blocked and can’t melt into myself there.’

Lady Jane said ‘Would you like me to go through your home? Check the energy?’  From these girls this is as completely normal as asking if you would like a teaspoon of sugar.  ‘Yes’

The conversation chatted up again, and in the background Jane had her way with my home with her dowsing rods.  She quietly walked through the rooms upstairs, through the basement/family room downstairs, then the main level and finally settled in the kitchen.  She spent some time there.  When she returned she said ‘There was a block deep in the ground under the kitchen, water flows there and I asked it to redirect its energy.  Let me know how it goes’ and dropped it.

The night ended and the last wine glass was washed.  I turned to look at my kitchen before I shut off the light.  It looked no different.  It felt no different.

I snuggled into my blankets thankful for my friends and their support.  These are the types that see you through serious illness, bail you out of jail at 3AM, help you grow after a divorce and come and pull you out of bed and get you in the shower the day after your husband drops dead.  These are those girls.  

The next morning I grabbed a magazine and brewed tea.  I saw a recipe for lemon scones.  I scanned the ingredients.  I had everything so I made them.  I thought bread with dinner would be a good idea so I started some yeast in a huge glass bowl my mother had given me.  Lasagna sounded wonderful so I browned chopped meat in oil and garlic and started on marinara sauce.  HOURS went by.  I was so caught up in cooking that when I had finally let the bread rise twice and placed it in a stone in the oven my eyes widened and my breath caught.  Aware, very, very aware.  Then energy danced all around me.  My kitchen had been christened with my soul.  I became more ME again.

Coincidence?  Maybe.  But a friend sent me a message this morning.  She is soulfully devastated as we all are when what we wanted to be real…what we believed was real…comes tumbling down like a cheap movie set.  We are left with ourselves.  MM is strong, she will be fine, she just can’t see that yet.  She rented a house…on a lake.  The soul knows what it needs…always.  She feels a spirit there.  It needs sea salt, Sage, Women and wine.  And probably a good dowsing.

 Dowsing has been around since people had the consciousness of the need for water in their souls.  You can see figures on caves in Africa, China, and Egypt with human figures holding rod like sticks, searching for water.  Dowsers, often called ‘Water Witches’ (think Carol & Lady Jane and yourself) tap into a subtle energies of the earth and themselves to locate things, amplify things, or alternate the energy of things through a series of questions and guidance.

Science has often reported this practice as ‘No better than chance’…Interestingly though our own government has employed this practice on more than one account to locate ground water, graves, missing soldiers, and tunnels…hmmmm.  Why report differently?  Is it yet another ploy to disconnect us from that natural realm?

There is a man in the Upstate New York area that MAKES HIS LIVING locating water for old farms being resurrected and new springs for livestock.  He is very successful and the go-to-guy if you need to know where things sit under the unseen.  I bet he and his clients would beg to differ on the ‘No better than chance’ label.  I’ve been invited to attend dowsing ‘seminars’ (think woods, Hazel sticks, and likeminded folk in awe of the forest) and I may take them up on that offer one day.  

So when I received a message from this cosmic yet saddened friend – my reaction was to put out a call to the Water Witches.  They are standing by should she need.  We are water and water heals.

 I leave you with this simple brilliance

Albert Einstein, however, was convinced of the authenticity of dowsing. He said, "I know very well that many scientists consider dowsing as they do astrology, as a type of ancient superstition. According to my conviction this is, however, unjustified. The dowsing rod is a simple instrument which shows the reaction of the human nervous system to certain factors which are unknown to us at this time."

Good Energy to you and your group of eclectic friends – keep that list growing and flowing