Monday, September 10, 2012

The Ripple Effect

The Ripple Effect is known as one action that can create many.  A small intentional gesture of kindness.  A compliment can improve someones day.  A good deed.   I watched a documentary on the scientific effects of stress on the body - it does so much more than we ever thought.  We need to combat this. One moment at a time...

Don't think you have time?  Try this:

3 Deep Belly Breaths will reduce blood pressure immediately creating a calm effect on the entire system.

A kind word to 3 people, you will all reap the benefits - Both of being kind and Giving kindness

3 Positive thoughts sent out into the Universe:
  1) Please help so n so's family - they are going through so much - Think hard, intend love, then let it go
  2) Please let my child, spouse, parent, friend have a wonderful day - Think hard, intend peace, then let it go
  3) Please help our country and it's leaders for the good of all - Think hard, intend peace, then let it go

Eat or drink 3 Intentional good things for your body - Love your body and all it can do even with it's limits

Do 3 long back stretches

Write 3 things you are grateful for

Pick 3 people that seem stressed - strangers in a store and such - send them a quick prayer - some of the best deeds we do no one knows about.

Though these ideas and intentions may seem small - I think you will find, in the end, they build and become truly great.


Good Energy toward a Ripple Monday!