Saturday, September 1, 2012


Today I watched a youtube video I’ve watched a million times (ok maybe not that much but a lot!).  It’s almost a commercial like video of a girl and her farm and it’s so inspirational it’s almost silly.  You see I’m one of those people that likes to keep her emotions middle of the road. I’ve always been the happy person but the hard person, the untouched person.   I don’t go too deeply into sadness for fear of it not letting me go.  And in the past I never ascended too high into happiness for fear of the impending fall, because there always had been one.

But something happened to me a while back and I can’t quite pinpoint it… I let joy have its way with me.  I let gratitude take me to my knees.  I began to say things to people that I felt, that were good, that upped the energy anti.  Anyone who knows me knows that I consider words very powerful, and I take them very seriously…they are, after all, the one voice we have in this universe.  And to see words in print…to hear them on the wind…Is life and its force.  It is ‘The Moment’.  And I choose to recognize that and exist there now. 

 I can honestly say I’ve never known such joy as I have since this shift occurred.  It has enhanced every relationship in my life.  The relationship with my children, with strangers, with readers, with anyone and everyone…those I haven’t met yet and those I will meet yet again. Most importantly it has created an understanding of self that I never thought I could have on any level.

 Some words are prayers, some affirmations, some are begging and pleading for understanding, some sound like water, some rain, some wisps of a dream.  I try to choose them well, and many times they choose me.  And in the end always I search for truth, for it is the common denominator to me. 

 ‘Coincidence’ used to be a word, somewhat quaint, random in nature. ‘O you ran into so-n-so? O you thought of this or that and there it was?’  Well I am here to tell you there is a cosmic sense to that word for me now.  It’s become a ‘catch my eye in the mirror and wink to myself’ word.  And I’m here to say ON THE RECORD there are no coincidences.  It is no longer quaint, meaningless, passable, it is word that is used to describe that belly dropping, heart pounding, euphoric knowing that occurs when we recognize what is really at work with us…

(1) Months ago my brother John showed me a youtube video, it was so moving on a human level.  It took place in Iceland, in a field.  The instruments are elemental in nature.  We understood not a word of it but completely understood the human tale it told. (2) Around the same timeframe he pulled up this video, in a seemingly different realm appearing completely disconnected, I defined my desire to become the person I am becoming.  (3) On a totally different page ‘things’ (ideas, opportunities, CLUES) began appearing in my life…seemingly cropping up out of nowhere…unapplauded…like seeds pushing through the dirt in spring.

(4) This video I watched today of a farmgirl living a similar life to the one I’ve committed to had a soundtrack – I’ve heard a million times…(5) Today as I got into the 5th frame of the video my eyes widened and my breath caught in my throat the music was the same as the video my brother played for me a long while ago. 

 The hair on my arms stood up as if I was chilled.  And slowly tears began splashing down my cheeks without my even blinking.  I was totally alone in my kitchen (where the floor needs mopping) with this music and myself.  The only way to describe it is God and his universe tapping  you on the shoulder, telling you to PAY ATTENTION, telling you your LIFE ISNT RANDOM, telling you to finally START living the way you are supposed to; in line with your deepest hopes and dreams, telling you he is happy with you because you are finally happy with yourself, telling you to LET JOY EXPLODE IN YOUR HEART because you will never be sorry at feeling so completely filled with it that you could fill the void of space with stars in one laugh!  

And telling you to please share it with everyone, because it is a gift and the human race needs it…

Share your gifts; say the things that should be said, start today.
May good energy flow through you