Monday, September 3, 2012

Impromptu Tour!

Yesterday Joe and I went to my new friends (his old friends) house for an impromptu bbq.  How nice to see everyone in a completely relaxed setting…I have to say the bbq was incredible but when you have an Italian make you baked ziti you are never quite the same! 

I sat blissfully happy in a carb semi coma with an ice-cold beer and was treated to tales of ‘the good old days’ apparently we have reached that age!

Part way through, the hostesses totally adorable (and very hospitable) son treated me to a tour of their semi-defunct chicken realm (!)  I tried to hold back my excitement for fear of this 10 yr old running for the hills at a 41 year old woman hopping up and down, gleefully clapping her hands like a Family Feud contestant.  He was unfazed.  Viva la 10 year olds – when in Rome…

At one time they had 30 chickens they are down to 3.  The three they have left are too old to lay eggs but they still eat the bugs and have become pets of sorts.  I hammered the poor boy with questions – to which he answered expertly!  He did appear bewildered at my obvious ignorance when I said ‘how do they know to go back there at night?’ (Meaning; their coop)  He sighed with the patience of an old man… ‘It’s where they live and it’s getting dark’.  He was very polite and left out the obvious ‘DUH LADY!’

The little guy and the shed/coop fueled my fire more!  He explained feeding, water, and warmth.  I took mental notes.  He told me what chickens are like in the winter snow – I suddenly realized, I now have an AWESOME chicken resource in this little man!  They are getting chicks in the spring!!! Perhaps I could score a babysitting job once in a while (wink wink) and have him come visit our coop (when it exists) 

How lucky this boy is to have learned this from his parents – he is unaware of the mad skills he is in possession of!  My boys and I will have to learn quickly but our enthusiasm will help I’m sure…maybe my grandchildren will know this stuff too like the back of their hands – One can only hope!  Note to self…never underestimate a ten year old J

At the conclusion of our tour I confessed in a whisper ‘Ya know I wanna get chickens one day.’

He replied in a whispered giggle ‘Then you should!’  

From the mouths of babes…There you go!

Peace and good energy on fueling your dreams!