Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Wasted Talents

A friend of mine give me a lead on a second job.  It would be an odd marriage of current interests (Anthropology Study Group), old interests (writing, analyzing, projecting), and Cosmic Interests (the betterment of mankind).  Although the latter may sound obtuse, it is a very true mission some people hold in their heart and only hope to achieve one day.  I am one of those people.  

She told me to try to get in on the ground level, just a foot in the door for the interview.  "And they will see how talented you are and that you need to be in the position I see for you, we will intend it! Christine, Don't waste your talents."  That comment sat with me, fermented in my soul all night long. Those four little words were like a call to order:  Don't waste your talents.

Thus far my talents have had little to do with what puts food in my boys bellies.  But could they?  I decided to ruminate on my talents in the dark of the night.  It's a strange looking glass staring into the dark and asking what you see of yourself.  I decided my talents are not being used to their fullest.  

That little comment opened up a floodgate of consideration.  This summer I have felt the squeeze of not nearly enough money, yet I have remained hopeful.  Your ship doesn't come in.  Sometimes you have to build it - but the balmy breezes of a summer nights sail keep you hammering in the sun.  The dreams of the moon glinting on the water when you realize you, YES YOU, are a success from the beginning of time.  What kind of energy are you bringing to this existence?

So I have decided to explore more.  Deepen my commitment to writing.  It may not be what pays the bills but it pays a cosmic karmic compensation again and again.  I have decided that, yes, a class for fall is in order as is new secondary (and fulfilling) employment is in order.  I am gathering like the harvest for the richest bounty yet.   

Maybe your work feels like toil, but what of your cosmic work?  Do you make music? Do you paint? Sculpt? Sing? Build?  We are here to create - it's in the highest order of calling.  Create, Play, put food on your table but don't forget about that you that is intrinsically you.  The you that was forged in the stars in the very beginning.  The you that was patted by God.  The you that you have kept a bit hidden.  

Don't waste your talents.  Embrace them for the true Magick you are to make in this life.
