Saturday, August 8, 2015

Empire of the Senses

Today I awoke early with a vigor that I haven't felt most of this summer.  I usually rise early and today I opened the front door, hair tousled from sleep, hot tea in hand, and sat on my stoop.  The light has turned its corner but the air is sweeping new as well.  I breathed deep.  There was only one place I wanted to be - on the lake.  I finished up my brisk breakfast tea and loaded up the kayak.

The lake looked like glass, save the small random breezes and the bubbling of fish here and there.  I felt an anticipation so strong in knowing the pelvic shift was on its way.  I pushed off glided, suspended, and sighed.  It was a sigh six weeks in the making.  A sigh that wasn't sorry to see the swampy heat go.  A sigh that only my kind can make as our season is creeping over the hills.

I rowed the perimeter of the lake a few times, careful not to go too hard as my muscles have been absent from this work for a while.  

A spell had finally broken, I could feel it cracking for days.  I had felt melancholy, undecided, unmotivated, and sad.  Today I felt new, hopeful, filled with possibility.  Today I was me, the me that matters.

As the early morning turned to day I had nothing but time.  Time to recline in my kayak, wet feet on the 'deck' and eyes to the heavens.  I closed them in ecstasy as the boat gently rocked - buoyed between what mattered and what didn't, a place without a place, a time without time.  I wondered what was below me as the vegetation is swollen with late summer and swaying it's last dance.  I looked at what was above me; a waning crescent moon easily visible in the day blue.  And I was the conduit - the in between - that brought the two together.  Why?  Because I was the one that noticed.

How many times do we busy along in our toil and never even see the sky or feel the sensuous romance of the rocking water.  I pledged to notice - even more than I have been.  That thought was rewarded with a gentle caress of wind on damp skin.  I stayed that way for the longest time.  No one else was on that water for a few hours.  Cosmic Wealth.  

"In the Empire of the Senses, 
You're the Queen of all you survey.
All the cities, All the nations
Everything that falls your way
I say
There is a deeper world than this
that you don't understand
There is a deeper world than this
Tugging at your hand." 

