Sunday, March 2, 2014

Seeds of Hope

Today brings me personal studies and meditations in Tiny Living, Sustainable Practices, Sewing (mending), and a nod to the sun that must come...Not a Victory Garden but rather a Hope Garden... 

-Hope that my children will make good choices in life.  
-Hope that my own future will hold what I need to be 'me'.  
-Hope that I will glide across the local lakes and rivers of spring in a kayak with the soft whisper of water below me.
-Hope that I will be eating better, locally, nutritionally so my body can catch up with my mind
-Hope for good health and happiness for those who surround me
-Hope for gratitude (even when I am folding laundry and unclogging toilets)
-Hope for humility
-Hope for compassion
-Hope that I can continue with school
-Hope that I can make the shifts I need to be where I want to be both within and without my being.
-Hope that I will cherish every moment I work soil to food because it is a privilege 
-Hope that I will love and be loved
-Hope that I'm not to late to the party of my life
-Hope that I have arrived at that party just in time, because everything is as it should be in any given moment
-Hope that I will love and be loved
-Hope that I will make a difference
-Hope that small actions let me live my truth openly and unencumbered

I put this all in the soil today....with water....with sun....and Hope

My Hope Garden