Tuesday, March 4, 2014


I believe the best classroom would be a womb like space. And we will sit, our souls pregnant with Celestial Fire like that which Thomas Gray spoke of...  A ton of candles burning bright and adding shadows to the edges of reason.  An image, a flickering life.  I want the grain of it all to absorb me.  I want a stone fireplace, a background melody of crackling and popping to the lesson that is timeless, where we discover the work and ultimately ourselves.  I don't want water bottles or gatorade...I want thick blown Glass & Pewter mugs filled with Mead and Wine and they will flash like treasure, like jewels that we consume as we expand ourselves with thoughts of days beyond this existence..Oh Blessed Learning, this is class as it should be.

I long to do our language, our words justice.  They deserve so much more than fake light, perfect plastic counters and bad industrial carpet...so much more.  Maybe one day I can teach like this...and then be outlawed...but recalled as one who was helplessly in love with words.