Thursday, April 30, 2015

Writing Prompt

In Capstone Class last night we had writing prompt.  We had to focus on something normal and come about it in an absurd way...

How Not To Live Forever

Don't dream about the horseshoe of the Carpathian Mountains.

Don't attempt to believe you would understand the land-sea of superstition there.

Don't go to Transylvania.

Don't become mesmerized by the depths of those beautiful eyes.

Don't fall in love with his drafty Gothic mansion.

Don't wonder what's in the moat - the Vistula can't be kayaked either.

Don't hike under the moon in the Hoia-Baciu forest.

Don't trust the wine - God knows what it is, keep your mind on the Eucharist.
Don't tell him his pet bat is cute.

Don't kiss his neck.

Don't let him kiss yours.

Don't make love, the coffin isn't big enough and violaceous silk will stain.

Don't increase his numbers - he wants a baby.

Don't have his baby - that is eternity.

You aren't ready to live forever.