Friday, April 24, 2015

Put It Out There

Something strange has been happening.  I've long been a student of life and the human condition, both within myself and in my observation of others.  I have seen many forces at work and I find validity in all of them.  I've read countless 'odd' (I prefer cosmically fascinating!) books.  Why just yesterday a new book arrived called Ley Lines and Energy Meridians (focusing on Celts and the islands around Scotland!  I was also given a book called Science Set Free!  All seem to deal with that intangible but very real energy that surrounds us all.  So how does this pertain to my current condition of graduating and trying to formulate how to get this all going?  


People are winding up in my path.  I don't believe it is a coincidence.  

Yesterday at work - seemingly a world away from the academic career I'm striving for  -three teachers came in at various times.  Coincidence perhaps.  But here's the kick - I have never been able to really talk about myself or my achievements - it feels obtuse? self centered?  Until lately...

It went something like this - "Oh I see you're a teacher, I'm graduating in 2 weeks and am hoping to find an alternate route position - anything in a classroom...."

And that led to...

"Here's my email!  Give me yours - I have a ton of info and tips of things to focus on!  I'm so happy for you - we need passionate teachers!! You're going to be great!"

"Oh you definitely need to try my district - they will hire, you may have to coach or run a club and it may not be tenure, but it's experience!"

"Check this website out - it's great it lists all the positions currently open everywhere - it's how I got my position and I'm alternate route!!"

Desire doesn't hurt, intention helps, a positive attitude and belief is key - it opens doors where you never even saw them.

I've also seen it at work with my professors

ME: "Hi, listen I feel very uncomfortable asking you this but the Masters Program requires two letters of recommendation and I was wondering if you would be willing to write one?  You can say No -  I won't be offended and I'm actually embarrassed to ask but..."

PROF "Oh Christine I was going to ask you if you needed one."

Things are working out, and I used to be afraid of that because, well, didn't it mean that something would eventually go wrong? 

I'm choosing to rewrite that belief - we all should.

Hope for the best.  Believe in the best.  Be pleasantly surprised.  Things will go wrong, but there are forces greater than ourselves working to try to make them right and we should work with them.

God once said to my heart 'Do all you can and I will do the rest'

Pray - Believe - Imagine - Intend - Hope - Keep Going
