Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Worth it

I have someone very close to me who has suffered great illness yet keeps going, sad at times, grateful, and flirts with suicidal thoughts.  They recently shared some very personal journal writings with me.  Healing begins when we are so completely exposed - the courage that takes is beyond compare.  To take ink to paper and tell what you are afraid of, angry over, hopeful for....well that is truly a divine moment.  You touch the deepest part of yourself.

To say 'Oh stay positive, it will get better' seems trite when facing the Human Condition on an uneven playing field, but to you I can say this - Keep writing, there is a connection between the act of writing and the brain that somehow reorders thoughts like fixed stars and planets, and feelings flow from you like rushing water at times and sometimes only a trickle.  BUT GET IT OUT - LET IT OUT.  Never write for anyone else.  This is your page, your feelings, your realizations and in its horrifying moments true beauty is created.  It is real.  It is you.  And sometimes on this journey we lose pieces of our souls, and find ones we never thought we needed.

It took all of time from the beginning of creation to make this moment - to make you.  Knowing you I can devoutly say this world is a better place because YOU are here.

Everyday is worth the wake up.

I love you
