Tuesday, April 15, 2014


I've worked at this job part-time/full-time for four years, and for four years this beautiful Impressionist umbrella sat in a drawer next to my desk.  It had gone unclaimed, suffocating on marker and glue fumes.  Today it poured, and although I would walk in the rain naked if I could, I chose to liberate this beauty and claim her as my own.  I shall call her Mona (In tribute to Monet). 

I opened her as I walked to my car and she gulped in the cool misty wet air for she was doing what she was meant to do.  She quenched her thirst with water from the sky and swelled with pride on our walk through the lot.  She was happy to be out, to be herself in the rain.  The rain washes all clean, never underestimate her caresses.  Lay naked in a field this summer if you can - and let the rain take you....you won't be sorry.
