Sunday, April 13, 2014

My People

Clan Reunion 2014

As I sat in the yard of the house I grew up in, I looked around and everywhere I saw 'us'.  The collective us that only heritage can bring.  The 'I' that is me and integrates with the 'I' of my people - until there is no me...only a we.  Time and space separates us, but Saturday night under an outstanding Halo Moon, we breathed as one.

The agony and joy of the bagpipes filled the night air and floated into an inky sky.  They mean something different to all of us - but have a way of rounding out the same.  Love, Loss, Longing, Blood, Battle, and Birth-right.  Heathen. Heather. Heaven.  Moors. Mist. Loch.

In the mystic light of an ancient wood fire my Viking-like cousin Robert paid tribute to James and Agnes for without their bravery, we wouldn't be in that moment, on that patch of earth blazing the darkness with celestial fire.   We were raw and safe that night, and will carry that with us until we meet among the stars.  These are my people - no matter matter where...when we gather...we are home.  For them there is only Love.

Love your people.