Friday, April 11, 2014

Sea Gifts

My brother and I miss my mother.  She was a very gentle person that truly deserved the best of things.  Little things would make her happy – a lovely warm ripe tomato – the tiny purple flowers that would come up in the yard every spring – a day to sit in the sun with her Dark Irish skin.  She was someone you could please with simple things.

After her death ,I dreamt of her quite a bit; walking through the house, coming in the door, sitting with a cup of coffee, but her head was always turned or always bent in a way that would not reveal itself.  One dream I came very close to seeing her.  She was turned around and I called out “Mom” as she turned I couldn’t look, I shifted my eyes down but felt her presence all around me.  I suppose the heart just wasn’t ready to see that she had moved on.

Still to this day, my brother and I will text eachother if the mood strikes us right…a sunny day? “Mom would have loved today!”  A great cup of coffee? “Mom loved a great cup of coffee!” a quiet moment by a crackling fire? “I felt Mom.” And so on and so on it goes…

My family vacationed on LBI (Long Beach Island – the ocean) in the years leading up to her death.  And she loved it there – she loved where we stayed and how flat it was to walk (Being from Brooklyn walking meant much)  She loved the ice cream and the sun.  Neither my brother nor I can go there and not think of her, it’s just a part of that trip that we accept.

I went down to LBI this past weekend to hang out with some cosmic friends known simply as the Vagina Mafia.  Saturday was a glorious day after a winter of hard grays encased in ice.  I walked there alone and sat on the sand.  My friends are old friends from years ago and are used to my eccentricities…I’m the one up at dawn having the spiritual experience under a tree somewhere – I’m the one that will shower in the wee hours outside in the dark with a hose or water bottles just to feel the air all over me – I’m that strange friend they tell other people about and I notice when I do meet new/old friends there is a certain ‘interest’ in my general nature.  I have come to a certain peace with this.  So it is to no one’s surprise that I often go off alone, which is how I found myself on the beach that morning. I watched the sun (which was quite strong for early April) dance on the waves and take the damp chill from the ground beneath me.  I was thinking of everything and of nothing.  I laid my black jacket out under me and lay back – hair splayed out – arms behind my head – complete zen.  Maybe it was the vibration of the waves under the earth or just the sound of them, and the sun, and the clean scent of salt wind, but I fell into a deep quick sleep…

When I awoke, a story my brother had told me floated into my mind. I believe the ocean – the great energy – the earth breathing – holds memories for you…. He and his wife were walking along the ebb not long after mom died and his wife said “I was thinking about your mother.” And John being John just nodded because he too had been thinking of her.  They walked on a bit and as the sea reaches for the beach and thins toward the sand, seemingly out of nowhere, a spray of roses washed up at their feet.  Mom’s name was Rose. 

It could’ve been a wedding wash-up from a ship, or a hotel nearby.  Actually it could’ve been any number of reasonable coincidences that washed that spray of flowers up at that exact moment…but being Celts we know better.  Innately we accept the inexplicable ways of forces beyond what we are.

I stretched and began to pick up my jacket.  I looked down the surf and saw something bobbing in the water.  I turned to walk away and then I turned back.  I walked diagonally along the beach ,and as I reached it the giving water thinned and moored a large glass object on the wet sand.  As I got closer I realized it was an amber colored jug of sorts, roughly capped and half filled with sandy water.  The Indiana Jones in me woke up!  There could be a message inside?  Or something?  I was intrigued and went over and picked it up.  Dry sand lay in patches on it and I thought ‘What a miracle this thing had bounced around for who knows how long completely intact!’  The jug handle wasn’t cracked, the glass in good shape and a cap though rusted and rough was still on there!  I decided to show it to my friends as I thought it quite a find. 

I smiled at the sea and began the two block walk back to the cottage where I was staying, the streets were pretty much deserted save the sprinkling of local folks that brave a salty winter.  I felt like an apocalyptic survivor with treasure.  Part way through my walk I decided to have a better look at the jug.  I brushed off the sand and really looked at it and what I saw gave me a pause of astonishment…

Old jugs have the names of companies embossed in the glass… and those letters too were intact… R.O.S.E.  God is in the details...and apparently so is my mother.
