Saturday, September 6, 2014

On House Sitting...

“Crisy, pack your bags and come help me house sit this weekend.”

“I can’t,” I said, “It’s the last weekend before school and I should stay here for the boys.  And besides I don’t want to be on the Parkway of all places around Labor Day!”

“Oh God you’re up at 3AM anyway, just leave early you can be down here by lunch.”

“I can’t leave the boys.” 

But at 17 and 15 years old, the boys had their own directions they were going in.  They had BBQ invites and they would be with their father for a day or so.  They really just wanted to hang out with some friends and relax before school started…

“Crisy you’ve been sad…you would love it here!  I have to work 2 of the days so you would be on your own.  You could visit your favorite library with on the beach, or go on your frigen spiritual walks; maybe over that bridge you love?  The owners have a huge garden, a private yard, a pool, a gourmet kitchen you can cook in, a bar, and you would have your own room!”

“They have a pool?”

“Yes, come down!”

“I would have my own room?”

“Yes, like a little bed and breakfast.  Come down!”

“Ok, I’ll pack.”

And that is how my Labor Day went. 

Every time… Every single time I need a break, a respite, an escape the phone rings and it’s some new adventure for sure.  I’ve been so lucky like that, honestly.  And I find the more I stay open to such things – the more they frequent my life. 

I put down the glass of wine to take this pic :)

And this month was ROUGH $ wise.  I mean way rough.  Like I’m hitting my prepper closet and getting very creative to feed everyone rough.  Rough like “Gee, do we need electricity this month or gas?” (Electricity always wins as you can heat water in a microwave) 

I went down with $40 in my gas tank and $40 in my pocket…I spent 4 days there...and came home with $11.  Broke but lucky.  And what would have been the use of staying home and worrying myself out of countless hours of sleep (which is the norm for me)?  I needed self-care - let’s face it no one takes care of me I just don’t let them (this is a character flaw I'm fully aware of and it will most likely never change).   I needed a bit of isolation with a dose of anonymity, and I needed it in a place where I couldn’t do anything – where there wasn’t any laundry piling up, or dishes calling me, or repairs necessary.

I'm always in awe as to the generosity of a plant that will just keep giving and giving - there were 25 tomato plants, and countless varieties of beans, peas, and peppers.  
A patch of corn and potted plants of various cooking herbs delighted the senses

“The owner said to take whatever we want out of the garden.  But not the peas, she is letting those go to seed.”  

“She saves seeds?”

“She does, and she cans her own sauce.  You would love her.”

And she was right.  As soon as I entered the house I was in love, because in every nook and cranny you could feel love.   It wasn’t a mansion mind you, it was a regular house.  But it was a regular house that was well thought out, well organized and intentionally lived in.  It worked.

It didn’t hurt that the owner is a creative type, an artist of sorts.  The colors flowed beautifully.  The kitchen was just enough gourmet and just enough cozy.  There was a spectacular addition with a pub-like bar that touched my inner Celtic.  I was instantly comfortable. 

Out the back slider you stepped down to a patio and then a huge expanse of lawn greeted you with flowering trees, hummingbird friendly bushes, and a 30’ above ground pool.  IT. WAS. HEAVEN.

The second day I took the drive to my favorite library on the ocean.  Both my children find it comically disturbing that no matter where we travel – I will find and haunt a library.  That’s just me. 

Labor Day, families and friends with bright towels and umbrellas.  
The me that is ME was completely fine with the status of lone observer

 I purchased 4 books at the used book sale for a combined total of $2.00.  I sat on the upper level of the building that looked out over the beach.  When I tell you that being surrounded by books and words with a view of the sea is nothing short of soul food – believe me.  When I left I headed to the store and bought chicken and lemons to make a spectacular francaise as well as a fresh baguette to create a garden tomato balsamic soaked side dish.  I drank wine happily as I prepared the simple feast.  To cook as a stranger in a beautiful space is both humbling and erotic in its own right.

My Liquid Peace

I dozed when my body requested sleep – be it on a raft in the pool, a lazy hammock under pine trees, or an over sized recliner with the spa music channel softly playing.  I drank ice water constantly, realizing how dehydrated my body and soul had been.  I took salted baths with candles.  I retired early to a fluffy bed that scandalously was not my own.  It was a delicious four days.

My boys missed me, but they were fine.  I missed them but I was becoming fine.

I returned to them a better mom, refreshed and ready for the shorter days that lay ahead, grateful for my friends, spontaneous adventures, and the cosmic privilege to be a temporary queen in a borrowed kingdom...

House-sit if you can…trust me on this one.
