Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Harbinger of Dreams

Again you are upon us.  I should have known.  You render my nights day.  Tonight you are full, but last night you came to call.

Harbinger of dreams, both prophetic and of other realms.

I rounded the end of the staircase.  It's dark walnut banister smooth in my hand. The hall was whitewashed. I was gleeful, heading to the small expanse of porch as I heard the truck.   I had the agility and excitement of a young girl - in an old womans body.  

They were coming to be fed.  To be loved.  I could not wait to show them the gardens, the chickens, the goats.  The dream.  They pulled up and got out of the vehicle.  The two most exquisite creatures I had ever laid my eyes on.  I believe my eyes had been created among the stars just to see their faces. Every cosmic word ever uttered was for them.  Nothing but love.  Nothing anything could ever tarnish.

My boys.

What dreams will you bring tonight in your fullness, Harbinger?  Will you leave me weeping and bittersweet again.  I wait for you.
