Friday, November 8, 2013

Day off Project

There is just something about the fall that makes me intrinsically creative...

This table had been sitting in my fathers shed admid pool supplies, fuel, and leaf-blowers.  He had polished it (nothing escapes Murphy's Soap with my dad) then given it to me to use as a little cottage occasional side table.  Anyone that knows me knows I am a compulsive reader...Anything...EVERYTHING.  So a bedside table was in order.  I brought my son William with me to match the color of my existing bedroom set (cottage white).  $9.50 @ Walmart...

 I gave it a good sanding to rough it up.

I decided to totally 'Bliss Out' with this project.  Out came the space heater that in my mind acted as a little potbelly stove....Was I in a townhouse garage?  No sir- mentally I was in a small cabin working on a project on a dark winter day.  I added an Audio Book - But the mind put Mr. James Wesley Rawles in a rocking chair behind me personally reading his work "Survivors" out loud to his only audience...Me.

For the first time in a long time I didn't rush, I didn't think about work and the transition that is taking my low blood pressure to new heights. I didn't think about insurance plans, next sets of goals, how much $ was in the bank or how much $ wasn't in the bank.  I just breathed and simply painted, slow and smooth, and stayed in the moment.  I allowed myself to be told a story, to feel subtle warmth on my back, and to just create.

I gave it a second coat (more for me than the wood I think) - I just didn't want to get out of the happy cocoon I had created in my garage and my head.  But alas a project completed is a project completed.  I hauled it up the stairs to my bedroom, put the drawer in, gave it a new knob, and admired her...

Winter is moving toward my front door in these parts.  Long dark nights are surely on the way.  One day I will be in my Tiny Home somewhere remote with a small potbelly stove.  But for now my cottage table will hold a lamp with low light bulbs that glow, any number of books that I'm reading, always a glass of water, and the prettiness such a table deserves.

In the end my Little Cottage Table gave far more to me than I could have ever given to her.

Let yourself slow down and enjoy the moment a wee bit more