Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Keep Walking

Today's walk was frigid but I was bundled up tight.  I went at a quick pace and gulped as much air as I could.  It was fresh and raw.  I thought about the two days I have in front of me.  They will be my last 2 days at the hospital that has employed me for the last 5 years.  The job steadied me in so many ways and help provide for my children, but it was becoming a terribly unhealthy atmosphere.  I have one Achilles heal and it was getting kicked...repeatedly.  I asked for a sign and was granted one.  My angel said 'Pick up your bed and walk.'

I move toward a better opportunity with an 'opposite traffic' everyday commute 15-20 min from home.  A random Saturday every 3 or so months, more hours = more $.  No holidays, no weekends, no kidding.  Benefits are going to cost more but I suppose there is always a compromise.  It all came to be so seamlessly.  I know it could only have been divine intervention.  The staff is caring and the work we do there is positive and good.  The job is so me, it's amazing.

The one thing I am looking forward to is better health inside and out.  It is truly a place of wellness set across from a rolling meadow that stretches into the day like a lazy lover.  I don't begin work until 8AM.  (Far different from the 4:30 wake-up call to rush to traffic to SIT in traffic java'd up and arrive for 7AM.  I did what I had to do to keep the sky from falling.  The sky is safe now, and so am I.

What I am truly in love with is that I will have time for my morning meditation.  I will wake in a more natural manner.  I will be able to take care of my cosmic responsibilities (my children) and make sure their day starts with good energy.  And of course my morning walk which energizes me and clears me like nothing else can.

I rounded the last bend of my walk this morning and passed my boat - Nessie.  And as my feet hit the crunchy pavement as they will, hopefully each morning from Friday on, I began chanting in time with my steps....  Just keep going, Just keep going, Just keep going....Breath, Breath, Breath.

I read a quote years ago by Winston Churchill: "When you are walking through hell, keep walking"  and that my friends is exactly what I have done.  

My life is generous to the point of extravagance and that will never go unnoticed.
