Wednesday, July 22, 2015

The Green Spell of Enchantment

A spiritual forgetfulness co-existed with an intellectual remembrance.  She walked in brightness, but she knew that in the background those shapes of darkness were always spread.  They might be receding or they might be approaching, one or the other, a little every day.
-Thomas Hardy 

I am very honoured to say that I am part of an Anthropology Internship Group.  I am a data collector.  We touch upon many different things.  One of them is the Pagan belief system, complete with an acknowledgment to agrarian practices and ceremonies.  Many folks honor the natural realm and plant/cultivate/harvest by the moon,light, days, etc.  

There is a Wiccan belief that summer is the time of enchantment.  However there is a small downfall with this.  It is that one becomes so enchanted that they have been said to be under the Green Spell.  Where one day will tumble into the next with loss of time and motivation.  Perhaps instead of a dip into melancholy, I was under a Spell of Enchantment?  It's certainly far more romantic than anything I could dream up, isn't it?

Perhaps the Green Spell took me one night into the cool air of spring and swept me to the forest in its mist.  It then made love to me under the brilliant buds of a shining moon in the fertile mud of the water lands.  Perhaps I wanted to stay there a while.  This life is effort.

But we must continue though we wistfully stand naked in the night as the world beds down.

The light has changed and the spell gone away, over lime marked graves,to the stone of the mountains due East.  I am planning, goaling, meditating, reveling in the rustle of the lush tree canopies overhead.  My heart leans toward harvest, learning, preparing, securing, and that time when my kind finds their own -  drowning in bliss set against a drab landscape.

In my gratitude of being delivered back to my sacred path unscathed, for I had willingly lost my way, I stand between past and future - in the present.  Moments are all we have.  Dreams are what we conjure into our reality.  I am feeling solid as stone about them.  For that, I am thankful.  Come for me again Green Spell when the light is the longest. Enchant me and let me lose my way to remember you, waiting, in the Forest.  
