Sunday, July 13, 2014

Say Yes

Friday nights were usually saved for takeout and a date with Ancient Aliens on The History Channel.  Not to say that that isn’t my all-time fav show, if definitely is!  But in this weather staying inside after the endless winter we endured can seem, as least personally, sacrilegious.  I was getting ready for a trip to LBI with the kids and had dealt with a minor health scare that included some tests and an abundant dose of ‘what if’s’.  So to say I was busy would have been a huge understatement.  Enter text message from a little friend that lives on a tiny farm J …  “Hey you kayak – the 4H club is meeting with the Friends of the Wallkill River to check out their new kayak fishing spot on Owen’s Station Crossing…you should come.”

This was a friend from the hospital that I have missed seeing regularly and her lovely children who are such ‘in the moment’ energy beings it is truly a pleasure to be in their company.  Though I had so much to do, SO MUCH, the word YES jumped out of my being and landed on a message back to her.

How was this to work?  I had packing, food buying (we would be staying in a small cottage and would have a kitchen so bring most of our food would save $) I was also trying to connect with the parents of the boys we would be bringing as guests (they say teen girls travel in packs – I think teen boys have them beat – teen boys travel in herds….grazing herds) And I wanted to give my own home a good cleaning so I could return distressed.  HA.   I decided to put all that aside, threw the kayak on my car racks and headed out for a 6pm meet up at the OSC.  I am so very glad I did!
Kayaking has been around forever, but is enjoying quite resurgence especially in our liquid abundant mountain area. 

  I pulled up and there was a truck loaded up with kayaks free of charge for the 4Hers and their families to give a try…Awesome!   If you ever have time to spend with 4H people I suggest you do, it is one regret I have with my kids is not getting them involved in this wonderful organization when they were young – though we dabbled in 4H camps and open invites when we could.  They are friendly and so knowledgeable.  Also a fantastic resource – if you want to learn canning, livestock keeping, how to make honey, or archery, or just about anything - they will direct you to the right people.  Many of necessary life skills are going by the wayside fast under the title ‘Lost Arts’  and when they are gone folks, well they are gone for good because it won’t take long as time continues its inevitable roll forward that these skills will die with those that know them.  Get out and learn something!  Ok off my soapbox…for now.

So there I am in my little Camry (that in my mind is a badass pickup truck complete with hunting rifle…sigh) and there in front of me was a new canoe/kayak launch and dock with people gathered.  I later learned from a 4H teen that it had been a black dirt non-organic farm that they poked a HUGE hole in the earth and let the water table rise and flood.  Now it is a pretty good large water body.  You can fish, but being that it was a non-organic type of operation fishing is catch and release only.  DO NOT EAT. And I understand they pull some amazing sized bass out of there!  

Another friend that I worked with at the Hospital that closed was there.  She hadn’t been kayaking before and I gladly offered mine up so she could try…actually I was honored and seriously excited that she was doing this.  ‘But how do I do it?’ she asked.  ‘Just go, go, just try it – you are gonna be hooked I’m telling you…’ and she was.  J  This particular friend loves photography; I cannot wait until she puts these two awesome hobbies together.  The kids had a blast Tracy’s son Chase fearlessly backed down the launch with fishing pole in hand – totally assured of himself.  I love this kid!  And Tracy was able to take her little lady Meadow out for a tandem paddle!

When it was all over everyone was smiling and I saw a few more faces that read ‘I can do this and I want one!’  I loaded up my boat and again ticked off my to-do list with a sort of stress.  Then Tracy announced ‘Ok…Wallkill Refuge HQ for a firefly talk and hunt, you’re coming right?’  WHAT???  My to-do list rose like a boiled egg in my brain screaming Me! Me! Focus on me!  Your list of MUST DO!!! MUST DO!!!

Again my being said ‘Sure why not?’  I had a blanket and water in my trunk – Why not indeed?

I wound my way on back roads to the Refuge in Vernon.  It was a lively group with many children and people my age as well as older.  We sat and listened to a wonderful retired teacher explain the differences between male and female firefly’s their syncing of flashing, their life span, their reproducing and why they seem to be disappearing – artificial light.   I totally get that as I love to run from that crap every chance I get!  Then he told some camp fire stories (in proximity to a small campfire complete with marshmallows)  then we waited…and waited…and waited. 

Night came on in a sort of greenish haze that only summer can bring.  ‘I see one!!” and so it went.

What a delightful night we had.  A night I had not planned on.  A night I almost said no to…except I said Yes.

Say Yes.


Incidentally the next morning I was able to accomplish everything on my to-do list; dropping cat at a friends before the trip, drying and folding all laundry, putting laundry away, packing,  running to the bank, food shopping, paying a few bills, filling the car up, packing the trunk with massive food, luggage and 4 skateboards,  and cleaning the house (I did not mop the kitchen floor)  we left 15 min later than projected.  It all gets done...Don't be a prisoner...
Say Yes.