Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Your Body Can And Will Tell The Difference

Few days off and I am looking so forward to getting my hands in the dirt soon!  The ground outside is soft and spongy but I am old enough to know a tease when I see one!  Old Man Winter isn't finished in this neck of the woods yet I'm sure!  But the thoughts of homesteading, egg production, putting up produce, making hay while there is sun and extending the garden are sustaining I and many of my friends :)

I had a bunch of Kale left after making Kale chips with nutritional yeast flakes (Thanks to you Miss Amy J).  I really want to grow this and many other things so I am trying to plan what on earth will I do with all the extra produce - I know enough to know the garden will reward our efforts with more than we can handle in a short amount of time.  Canning is first on the list - another batch of Crisy's Pickles will be given next Holiday Season!  I'm trying to perfect salsa recipes since I believe Joe and I could most likely live on it if we had to - And it will keep well in the 'Prepper Closet'  

Pesto is one of those funny things that would have to be frozen (oils and all), but Im not much on keeping foods that way as they tend to get lost in the shuffle, shuffled to the back, and then become a mystery...Not to mention if we lost electricity I don't want to lose hours of frozen sunshine along with it!

But when I tried my hand @ this (a quick recipe found online) I knew I was onto something great!  I had EVERY ingredient on hand and ready to go!  We've switch out pasta consumption to the grain pasta and Omega 3 pastas.  My oldest son has been greatly influenced by the Vegans on the Mountain and seems to be taking control of his own health destiny - How lucky can a mom get???

Kale Pesto!
2 Cups Packed Kale Leaves (I remove the center stems)
1/2 Cup toasted Walnuts (400 degrees for 5 min in oven - Your Kitchen will smell AMAZING)
2TBSP Parmesan Cheese Grated
1 Clove of Chopped Garlic (Breathe deep here!)
2 TBSP Lemon Juice (I had a real lemon)
1/2 tsp Kosher Salt
1/4 Cup Olive Oil
Throw in food processor til almost smooth and serve over Pasta 
Oh Yes!
Kale aids in weight-loss and management of blood sugar levels, It is also an anti-inflammatory.  Kale helps the body get rid of toxins that over time can cause diseases like cancer, alzheimers and the like.

So with that in mind I am trying to go organic like never before and keep track of nutritious foods. Diet Sodas have been banished and High Fructose Corn Syrup was the next to get the heave ho...You see we truly believe your body CAN AND WILL tell the difference.  Case in point "Mom I'm not as hungry when I eat REAL food."  Funny you should call it that honey!   We  are cutting chemicals (aka poisen) and preservatives in this abode like nobody's business, which is turning out to be rather simple...Cooking like Mom and Nana did and sourcing chem-free veggies and meats- who woulda thunk it?  The secret to health where we never thought to look...

Good Energy to you and EAT SOME REAL FOOD!