Sunday, January 13, 2013

Missing the Flame

Woke again today to very Celtic surroundings.  The mist is thick and the air holds damp chill.  There is nothing that can remedy this in my family save a roaring blaze and hot black tea.  I feel it in my bones, the past I've never lived, the past of those before, somehow reaches from that suspended damp and infiltrates my very soul.

I want wool, I want my boots, I want tea steaming, I want my people and I want the flame.

My Nana told me a story of a manor like house where she worked in Scotland when she was young.  She was a nanny of sorts and early in the morning she was a fire-setter.  She would wake up and set the hearths to blaze to 'dry they rooms out'.  Her china blue eyes set in an old face would look beyond where we were in both place and time and she would speak on.  Even for a child I new these revealings of her life were a moment not to be disturbed-barely even by my own  breathing.  She transported me in those moments to stone walls, moors, rolling greens and fresher life.

"Aye the one wall was rocks and they would be dark and heavy, but they fire would lighten they gray" The nights chill would retreat as the fire blazed.  These moments I miss but am so grateful I had with her.  Talk to the young ones and pass on all you can, and on a chilly day it will be your words that warm their their souls.

In our fast paced world children need to know where they come from, what they are made of.

Funny as I try to live an intentional life every day and move toward an existence that seems perfect for me a hearth and a fire and a water source are always the common denominators.  I hope today finds you curled up, cozy and with people you love and if it doesn't I pray it will soon.  In the meantime hold onto your fire and carry it in your heart.

Good Energy and Wooly Warmth to you.