Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Rusted Mirror...

Getting very 'into' my advanced creative writing class!  I had to write a 'poem' that included the element of a road trip, a film, and a dream...For a girl in love with Shakespeare, Sonnets, and metered works this was a mess.  So I just let my mind wander...and it expanded...and this is what came out...

Rusted Mirror

My family was horrified, always.  Why couldn’t I stay put?  I was enamored with the place; the flux of coming and going, like a cosmic exchange.  Wanderer’s mostly.  Eye contact is usually avoided, as are those wishing to engage in conversation.  But a sizzling steak could be had and a hot shower for $3.00.  I could wash my own clothes, just mine.  It seemed warm, yet cold where it needed to be.  Had I been wrong?  I was off, this I knew.  Not in mileage, but definitely time…and most likely gender.  I had realized their fears one night.  I had been up too late, gone too long.  Those are the times the silence has its way with me.  I hit the mat like fallen tree in the desert, my density gone from the sun taking all.  I guess it was lucid?  There was, I don’t know, an awareness?  I drove a beat up late model resale into a filling station attached to a house.  It was a place where the owners got stuck.  Maybe they had made plans to move on, but that had been a few generations ago.  Human scavengers at best.  The raw creased girl motioned me to pull right up to the garage.  There was an older pump at left.  As I dug for my money, I barely noticed her motion to someone behind me; they were lost in the glare on my glass.  All at once the lights went out, a closed sign flipped in the window.  Vans had boxed me in.  I heard swamp like laughter; they had hunted and caught me.  Words began to scream in my head at my own stupidity, “No Waaayyyyyy! No Waaaayyyyy!”  I had read about this, and heard about it at the last family BBQ.  I chalked it up to urban legend, but goddamn, it really can happen.  Somewhere I intrinsically understood it was a dream, and I grabbed it by the tail.  In my in-between state my mind played with it; opening the door, smacking it against metal, being trapped.  It faded as the skim milk light crept through my makeshift curtain.  Time to get on the road.  It was a dusty hot one already.  I could do this out here.  I could make a life.  There isn’t anything out here except blessings and curses.  I could make a stand, like the environmental film I saw.  I could take it down to the bones, save humanity, become de-commodified.  I could shit in a hole in the ground not to play anymore.  I could set rattlers on fire, I mean I’d have to, how far is medical help anyway?  I’d only have myself to deal with really.