Saturday, February 15, 2014

My Tiny Bath One Day...

All the greatest personal achievements of man started out with a thought...
Author Unknown

          Just checking in, school is going great...better than great. In addition to taking two formal classes this semester, I signed up for an Ecourse from Comet Camper about downsizing your stuff/life.  It's been amazing!  After the trifecta of 3 important male role models in my life being struck with health crisis' (Dad, Ex husband, and my youngest son Michael (the roughest of all)) I finally was able to exhale and regain some footing.  I have this entire week off to be with my boys (Yay, new job!) and to be reflective and write so more on the trifecta later...   
           I have THE MOST AWESOME of relatives coming down from MA today so there is running around to be done; I am meeting several people who are buying some things I'm letting go of (Yay ecourse!), food to be cooked, & memories to make with the New England Celts.  I'm going to leave you with a visual riddle...

Hardboard canisters $5

Old Milk Jug $20

Barnwood cabinet $20

Old trunk (coffee table) $25

WHY?  Because I don't need. I am clearing things out...lightening the load in many ways.  People are happy to receive them (esp at those prices!) and it's giving me joy to send them into love!  But the real reason is that for some time I have been doing a mental tennis match with wanting to live on a farm - economically I don't know that I would ever be able to purchase a farm...  But then when I really meditated on it I know I could work and save for a plot of land! (Beautiful Brain Works even when sleeping!)  But most likely not with a house...but a tiny portable home I could!  Enter The Tiny House!  Check out to see what I mean.  A portable home that you own outright - No mortgage!  A garden/crops to feed yourself - You know what you produce!  A flock of chickens - Eggs and zen!  It all starts with an little glint of an idea...

I have searched literally THOUSANDS of tiny home ideas over the last year and grabbed this pic as the inspiration for my tiny bath!  Inspire yourself - Life inspired is so delicious!

Tiny Woman (4'11") +Tiny Expenses+ Tiny Home = BIG LIFE!